Coyote wrote:Ryan, this isn't really intended to be a game about 'uber-military wankxorz' as it is about diplomacy, poltics, budgets, brinksmanship, science, and the occasional brushfire wars.
A small Duchy can be a really stable, respectable place --Switzerland, perhaps. They even have a decent arms industry that sells overseas, but it's not the 'sole provider of uberwank ultrakill tech'.
I was planning on heading towards something like Switzerland, yes.
I'm selling weapons because I
have weapons to sell, rather than demolishing my factories to make room for Vaul knows what.
And say what you want about airships, but bear in mind a few things: the average airship can carry much, much more than the average plane; it can do it longer, farther, and cheaper. It can't do it as fast, but it can still be faster than a RO/RO ship. And while it can be shot down, a true Zepp or even Aerostat has thousands of individual gas-filled bags that pop one at a time under fire. A Zepp being shot down could take an hour, whereas a fully-laden transport plane will plummet like a sack of bricks. So there are trade-offs and advantages to Zeppelins, for example, that can make strategic sense in some circumstances.
Yeah, sorry, I was thinking of hydrogen balloons. You would, I imagine, use helium, or something else like that.
Didn't you also post a country that had just come out of a warlord civil war?
A very low-intensity war that was largely ended diplomatically, but still caused some lasting (if isolated) damage that we're recovering from.