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College students - What school/alumni, what major?

Post by Bob McDob »


I should also add I'm looking for a good computer graphics college and would like suggestions.
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Post by Malecoda »

Carnegie Mellon. No, I didn't go there. I meant they were known for graphics work. If you just want the bottom-line dead serious brute force answer, then MIT Media Lab.

I went to Michigan Tech.
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Post by TrailerParkJawa »

San Jose State University - BS Environmental Studies (1996)

It was an okay education but useless for getting a job, especially in the environmental field. However, I did like SJSU and would go there again if I had to do it all over.
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

See my profile.

EDIT: University of Iowa, Cinema Major, Soph.
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Post by Stravo »

Fordham University - History Major Poli Sci Minor

Did absolutely nothing for me job wise but taught me to read and write critcally and gave me a better understanding of the world around me.

However as there were none too many job prospects that paid good money for a History Major it led me to:

Fordham Law School - Where I sold my soul to the devil and have been working to get it back ever since.
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Post by Crazy_Vasey »

University of Newcastle Upon Tyne - Computer Science. It's a bit meh, not very challenging so far but I'm only in my second semester.
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Post by Stormbringer »

Lawrence Technological University- Architecture makor (usually called "Archy? I'm sorry"). Not too bad provided you don't try to make the four year plan. It'll kill you, quick.

Currently in the process of pledging to one of the fraternities there.
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Post by InnerBrat »

The Godless Institution in Bloomsbury (Univeristy College London, for those not familar with it's history)

MSci (4 year undergraduate Masters degree) Palaeobiology.

All hail me.
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Post by Colonel Olrik »

If you want to study engineering in Portugal, then IST is the only place to be. [Verified by the fact that the two portuguese regulars are from there. And there are no spanish here for me to bash. Oh well.. there's always hope. Lousy spaniards..]
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Post by Admiral Valdemar »

Lancaster University: Biological Sciences Bsc. (may do a Masters).
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Post by Joe »

University of Georgia, Sophomore. Hoping to graduate with a Masters of Accountancy degree.

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I'm studying for the CPA exam. Have a nice summer, and if you're down just sit back and realize that Joe is off somewhere, doing much worse than you are.
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Post by Captain tycho »

I got a Phd. in business. :)
(Oh, wow, exciting!) :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
No, business isn't exciting. You make money, but its very dull.
I was rather good in math and was interested in physicts, but, noooo
my scolarship ( for some fucked-up reason) let me have a choice between business and art. And I'm no artist. :?
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Post by Malecoda »

Captain tycho wrote:I got a Phd. in business. :)
(Oh, wow, exciting!) :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
No, business isn't exciting. You make money, but its very dull.
I was rather good in math and was interested in physicts, but, noooo
my scolarship ( for some fucked-up reason) let me have a choice between business and art. And I'm no artist. :?
If you had taken more math, you could have been ;P
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Post by Dalton »

Hofstra University, BS Video/Television (2002).

My school's pretty good for studio-based television, but computer graphics is only a tiny part of the art department (which has painting, pottery, desktop publishing, etc etc etc.). There's an art institute in Philadelphia that's more suited to computer graphics but I forget the name.
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Post by Luke Starkiller »

Carleton University, Aerospace Engineering, Aerodynamics specialization, year II.

The only place in Canada to go for Aero except for the elite EngSci program at U of T (I didn't get in, the cutoff was over 95%) or Ryerson; but then Ryerson doesn't really count for anything anyway.;)
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Post by Malecoda »

Dalton wrote:Hofstra University, BS Video/Television (2002).

My school's pretty good for studio-based television, but computer graphics is only a tiny part of the art department (which has painting, pottery, desktop publishing, etc etc etc.). There's an art institute in Philadelphia that's more suited to computer graphics but I forget the name.
I know it's not an art institute, but that sounds kinda like Carnegie Mellon.
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Post by Dalton »

Malecoda wrote:I know it's not an art institute, but that sounds kinda like Carnegie Mellon.
No...this was a specialty college. I'll ask my sister since she was considering going there.
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Post by Malecoda »

I have being given A's for depleting Dragon ball Z the way it should be.
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Post by J »

Princeton University, class of 2002. Majored in Public Policy, which is somewhat similar to Political Science.

Haven't decided if I want to do a Master's yet.
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Post by Durandal »

Illinois State University, sophomore, Physics.
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Post by salm »

architecture and urban planing in the universität stuttgart

good grafic school:

Merz Akkademie Stuttgart. it´s a very good privat school, you pay 326 Euro per month
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Post by phongn »

Biology and maybe Physics @ University of South Florida.

Ringling in Sarasota is good for computer graphics, but they're pretty selective. University of Central Florida kinda has a program, but it isn't accredited.
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Post by Keevan_Colton »

University of Strathclyde - Computer Science.

Taking time away right now due to severe depression....will be going back into second year.
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Post by Zaia »

Graduate of Towson University, Towson, Maryland with a BS in music education. Will undoubtedly be returning for a Masters at a later date; when and in which area are yet to be determined.
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Post by The Dark »

Florida Southern College, Junior, Religion Major, Philosophy Minor, possibly going to pick up an Economics Major on the side (since we don't have a Physics major any more).

phongn wrote:University of Central Florida kinda has a program, but it isn't accredited.
Not UCF. They're decent, but really the only program I can speak for as being good is their engineering. All the others are average at best right now.
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