What kind of portable music player do you own?

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What kind of portable music player do you own?

Poll ended at 2003-02-18 07:11pm

Regular old CD player
MP3 CD Player
Memory stick/card solid state player
Old cassette tape Walkman
Ghetto blaster
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MiniDisc player (Did anyone outside of Hollywood ever buy one of these?)
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What kind of portable music player do you own?

Post by Pistolero »

Personally, I am partial to MP3 CD players. It really kicks ass to be able to save 10 hours of music or 30 hours of audio books on a 10 cent CD. I love the iRiver IMP-350 SlimX. I also have an awesome and very small Panasonic cassette player... but I can't find any of my old tapes anymore :lol:
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Post by Admiral Valdemar »

Sony MZ-R70 MD Walkman.
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Post by Durandal »

I have a RioVolt, and it works quite well. I'd kill for an iPod, though.
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Post by Pistolero »

Admiral Valdemar wrote:Sony MZ-R70 MD Walkman.
Touche. So, you're the one who bought the MD player :D

Seriously, though... MD players are extremely cool. They are small, hip, look very geeky and they fit anywhere, not to mention you can actually record on some of them. They are even cheaper than ever, but I could not justify buying one when I can have a CD chock full of MP3s to carry with me.

Nice device you got there, anyways. How long can you record on a MD? the same as an audio CD, isn't it?
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Post by Admiral Valdemar »

CyberMacGyver wrote:
Admiral Valdemar wrote:Sony MZ-R70 MD Walkman.
Touche. So, you're the one who bought the MD player :D

Seriously, though... MD players are extremely cool. They are small, hip, look very geeky and they fit anywhere, not to mention you can actually record on some of them. They are even cheaper than ever, but I could not justify buying one when I can have a CD chock full of MP3s to carry with me.

Nice device you got there, anyways. How long can you record on a MD? the same as an audio CD, isn't it?
Longer if I want to, my mate, she has the next model up from mine that can record four times longer on an 80 minute MD. I only know one or two people with MP3 players (I used to use my Casiopeia E-105 palmtop for that) but most all have CD players or MD Walkmans, cassettes are still popular.

The one thing I do like about MP3 players is the ability to not jump at all, my MD Walkman takes some shit to jump, but it will eventually, plus moving parts means more power used.

I dislike Sony headphones that come with players though, they lasted a year then defunct, I have some Panasonics now, but Sennheiser are the best I hear.
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Post by phongn »

iRiver iFP-180T. 128MB solid-state player w/ FM tuner.
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

What are you talking about? I knew several people in high school that had MD players.
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Post by jegs2 »

Why, I own both a CD player (who doesn't?) and a Minijam for my Handspring Visor Prism:

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Post by Pistolero »

Spanky The Dolphin wrote:What are you talking about? I knew several people in high school that had MD players.
When they first came out, they were waay too expensive for me, and I never met anyone who had one. I even remember that they started releasing albums on MD. Now they are cheaper and I can afford one, but I am happy with my MP3 CD player. Besides, Blank MDs are still way more expensive than blank CDs.
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Post by Admiral Valdemar »

CyberMacGyver wrote:
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:What are you talking about? I knew several people in high school that had MD players.
When they first came out, they were waay too expensive for me, and I never met anyone who had one. I even remember that they started releasing albums on MD. Now they are cheaper and I can afford one, but I am happy with my MP3 CD player. Besides, Blank MDs are still way more expensive than blank CDs.
Well them and personal CDs are the most common with tapes and MP3s as least common, my MD Walkman is a good 2 1/2 years old and still good as new.
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Post by Stormbringer »

I've got a fairly new Discman and an old walkman. They work well enough for me so why replace 'em?
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Post by Exonerate »

I've got a mp3 player from Christmas.

Does a laptop quallify as a portable music player? :wink:

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Post by Stravo »

Riovolt Cd/MP3 player that I LOVE because I burn something like 70-80 tracks on 1 CD and listen to them. I have soundtracks for each of my books and stories on CD to help me write while I commute to and from work.

I also recently got a RCA Lyra MP3 player, love it for the fact that its so tiny and can hold something like 20 tracks so its a lot more portable and good for those days when I just want an eclectic bunch of music without wasting a CD burning it.
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Post by Cal Wright »

I myself have a regular CD player. It's good for painting class. Which looking at that last option is funny. A girl in my class has one of those mini cd things. Says she's had it for 5 years now.

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Re: What kind of portable music player do you own?

Post by GrandMasterTerwynn »

CyberMacGyver wrote:Personally, I am partial to MP3 CD players. It really kicks ass to be able to save 10 hours of music or 30 hours of audio books on a 10 cent CD. I love the iRiver IMP-350 SlimX. I also have an awesome and very small Panasonic cassette player... but I can't find any of my old tapes anymore :lol:
Plain old CD players. I don't have enough MP3s to make it worth springing for anything that has the MP3 option to it.
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Post by salm »

a good old walkman that plays good old tapes
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Post by Alferd Packer »

None. I pour all my stereo budget into home theater and car audio.
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Post by ArmorPierce »

Wow, you people are stuck in the past. Get MP3 CD players. Casette player what is that, oh, it's that thing that is like a CD player except it uses much bigger disks right :P ?
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Post by salm »

ArmorPierce wrote:Wow, you people are stuck in the past. Get MP3 CD players. Casette player what is that, oh, it's that thing that is like a CD player except it uses much bigger disks right :P ?
Bah, Humbug! If there was somthing like a portable record player i´d have it.
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Post by mantakai »

i got a fairly good discman, i quite prefer the discman as you can just brun the cd's with whatever you want on them. my school has probably hundreds of thousands of dollars in mp3's and md's etc on the kids each day, everyone seems to have one its crazy
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Post by Datana »

An iRiver IMP-100 is what I use. It's essentially identical to the RioVolt (the Volt-100 is actually a rebranded one of these, and can take the same firmware). Picked one of these up before the Volt became well-known. Apart from the low-resolution display with the dancing guys on it and the size (much bulkier than my "normal" CD player), I have no issues with it.
I also have a Rio-600. The lack of onboard memory (32 MB) coupled with the uneconomical price of the expansion backpacks (200 USD for 128 MB as of three months ago, or $80 for 64 MB) keeps me from using it, though the concept is sound. Couldn't they just have made it accept CF cards or Memory Sticks?
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Post by Lord Pounder »

I own a Goodmans MP3/CD player. 160 songs on one disk AND it has a built in re-charger. But i'd give my left nipple for one of those creative labs 6gb moving harddrives.
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Post by Lagmonster »

Portable? I have a car with a CD/MP3/Cassette player. That's as portable as I get, I'm afraid.
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Post by Dalton »

Nothing save a cassette player in the car. My sister has a Discman. I so want a JukeBox.
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Post by Ghost Rider »

A walkman which is probably older than the dinosaurs....no that's my dad's 8 track system.

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