Song translation needed! (Finnish)

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Song translation needed! (Finnish)

Post by Zadius »

A friend of mine discovered this song which completely rocks my socks off, but we can't find out what it means! The song is called Käärmeenpesä by Ruoska. It seems the title means "The Nest of the Snake" and the name of the band means "whip", but other than that, Google has failed me. Would anyone be so kind as to attempt a translation? It would be greatly appreciated.

Isä tunsi vitsauksen
jolta tuskin ketään säästetään
Reikä lyöty ihmiseen
siitä käärme sisään päästetään
Jos isä päätäni silitti iski käärme huulet rikki
Hän vain istui kesän päästämättä ääntäkään
Silmistään käärmeenpesän näin ja käärmeen pesässään
Kun syksyn pyyntisaalis riippui eteisessä - isä eteisen edessä
Pullosta käärme
Ryypyn mitta käärmeen mitta
Pesä käärmeen miehen päästä
Jos katsot sisälleni, näet matelijan mustan
Kutsumaton vieraslauma talossani asustaa
Ruuminpesupirtu juotu porraspieliin kustaan
Käärmeen voima väkevä, ei mieli siivin lennä
Tiedän tasantarkkaan minne käärmeenjälki päättyy
Kun järvenselkä jäätyy, lyön jäähän reiän käärmeen mennä
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Post by Tiriol »

Father knew the scourge
from which none is likely to be spared
A hole struck into a man
through which the snake is allowed inside
If father caressed my head the snake struck the lips broken
He only sat through the summer never making any sound
Through his eyes I saw the snake's nest and the snake in its nest
When the bounty of the autumn hanged in the anteroom - father in front of the anteroom
Snake from the bottle
The measure of the drink the measure of the snake
The nest of the snake from man's head
If you look inside me you'll see a black reptile
A host of uninvited guests lives in my house
Spirits for cleaning corpse has been drunk, we'll take a piss on the stairs
The snake's might strong, mind doesn't fly on wings
I know precisely where the snake's trails lead
When the lake is frozen over, I'll strike a hole into ice for the snake to enter.
Last edited by Tiriol on 2008-05-06 01:06am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Tiriol »

Not the best of translations, to be sure, but a a considerable part of the song relied on Finnish passive tence on verbs which is quite hard to do in English. I'd fathom that the song is about drinking, alcoholism and its violent, extremely negative effects, but since I haven't listened to the band more, I'm not sure. Nice song, though, listening on Youtube.
Confiteor Deo omnipotenti; beatae Mariae semper Virgini; beato Michaeli Archangelo; sanctis Apostolis, omnibus sanctis... Tibit Pater, quia peccavi nimis, cogitatione, verbo et opere, mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa! Kyrie Eleison!

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Post by Zadius »

Ah, so the snake is a metaphor. Very interesting lyrics, thank you. It's a very good song. Definitely similar to Rammstein in a lot of ways.
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