In case you can't tell, I'm pissed. Have been for some time, that we, as the world's only superpower, the most powerful nation to have ever existed, can get up in arms over BROWN PEOPLE INVADING and ZOMG WE GOTTA KEEP TEH HOMOZ FROM TEH MARRIAGE and ZOMG DUMB PEOPLE WHO GOT DUMB MORTGAGES NEED TO BE HELPZED and ZOMG WE ARE HAVE TO SAVE TEH IRAK. We can MOBILIZE THE POPULACE for those idiotic, purile bullshit reasons....
But we do nothing. NOTHING but wag a collective finger at a nation that allows this (See picture and caption) sort of travesty to persist. We are a shameful disgrace.
We focus our national attention to dumshit crap like gay marriage, or faith-based initiatives, or stopping teh ev0l muslim empire from taking over the world, or Who Barack Obama's Neighbor's cousin's babysitter ate lunch with or what Angelina Jolie is wearing today, and allow that to continue with naught but a wagging finger and a "Gee, that's a shame."
I'm going to go cry now, for all the good it will do.
It's a good thing we're protecting the sanctity of marriage
Moderators: Alyrium Denryle, Edi, K. A. Pital