hard video games

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hard video games

Post by thecreech »

I am currently playing Shinobi for the PS2 and man that game is hard as hell. I have been playing it on and off since it first came out but it gets harder with each level and the bosses... FUCK, and this is just on normal. So i was just thinking, What are some of the harder games that you guys have played
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Post by TrailerParkJawa »

There was a game called "Fatal Rewind" for the Sega. I could never get very far on that one.
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Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

Einhander. Never beat it.... Nuff Said!
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Post by Darth Garden Gnome »

Earth Worm Jim 2, GOD that game is hard. And that game with the Claw monkeys (one day a bad man fell from the sky...) whose name I can't remember. I don't think I ever beat that one. Abes Odessey (1&2) are basicly impossible to beat.

All the Twisted Metals except Black are impossible to beat without cheats. Zelad: Ocarina of Time was pretty tough but mostly in the Water Temple. ARGH I HATE THAT ACCURSED LIQUID TOMB! Legend of Dragoon if you can't get a hang of the combo system, took em while to get the hang of it, once I did the game instanlty got better. Vagrant Story takes a LOT of patience to beat too, but is perhaps the best RPG I've ever played.

Probably more I'll think of later. PS Shinobi is NOT hard, I owned that game, and have Mortsune (sp?) and Joe Musashi.
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Post by ArmorPierce »

Some of the missions in GTA 3 ares semi-hard.
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Post by weemadando »

Darth Garden Gnome wrote:Earth Worm Jim 2, GOD that game is hard. And that game with the Claw monkeys (one day a bad man fell from the sky...) whose name I can't remember. I don't think I ever beat that one. Abes Odessey (1&2) are basicly impossible to beat.

Are you referring to the wonderful, brilliant and excessively great game known as Outcast?
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Post by Dalton »

The original StarFox was hard.
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Post by thecreech »

Darth Garden Gnome wrote:Earth Worm Jim 2, GOD that game is hard. And that game with the Claw monkeys (one day a bad man fell from the sky...) whose name I can't remember. I don't think I ever beat that one. Abes Odessey (1&2) are basicly impossible to beat.

All the Twisted Metals except Black are impossible to beat without cheats. Zelad: Ocarina of Time was pretty tough but mostly in the Water Temple. ARGH I HATE THAT ACCURSED LIQUID TOMB! Legend of Dragoon if you can't get a hang of the combo system, took em while to get the hang of it, once I did the game instanlty got better. Vagrant Story takes a LOT of patience to beat too, but is perhaps the best RPG I've ever played.

Probably more I'll think of later. PS Shinobi is NOT hard, I owned that game, and have Mortsune (sp?) and Joe Musashi.
Sorry the game is hard for me. I think it's fun though
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Post by TrailerParkJawa »

Getting to the shrine of Humilty in Ultima IV was a f*cking chore. Not so much hard as a tedious, mind numbing task.
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Post by Darth Garden Gnome »

weemadando wrote:Are you referring to the wonderful, brilliant and excessively great game known as Outcast?
I don't think so (I hope you're not talking about Jedi: Outcast by the way). It was a weird game. It was done with claymation, the main character could fart out fo his head as a weapon, the bad guy was: "one day a bad man fell from the sky" he makes himself king of the Clwa Monkies...Stupid, but painfully difficult game.
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Post by thecreech »

I just thought of one Phantasy star 2... some of you younglings might not have played it but for those of you who have two words, Green Dam... Son of a bitch, if you didn't have a guide for it (i never use them, because im stubborn like that). You were lost in that thing for hours on end and the creatures in that dungon were hard as hell. Probably one of the hardest dungons in any RPG to date
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Post by Neko001 »

FF1 is pretty hard. I've been killed countless of times getting out of Corneria. Otherwise, BoF2, that's hard too.
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Post by Utsanomiko »

Darth Garden Gnome wrote:And that game with the Claw monkeys (one day a bad man fell from the sky...) whose name I can't remember.
Are you thinking of Skull Monkeys?
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Post by Joe »

Pretty much any NES sidescroller.

Final Fantasy Tactics.

FFX: while the game isn't really difficult, some of the sidequests are, like dodging 200 lightning bolts in a row and when you fail at 190 bolts you have to START ALL OVER.

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Post by Dalton »

theheap wrote:I just thought of one Phantasy star 2... some of you younglings might not have played it but for those of you who have two words, Green Dam... Son of a bitch, if you didn't have a guide for it (i never use them, because im stubborn like that). You were lost in that thing for hours on end and the creatures in that dungon were hard as hell. Probably one of the hardest dungons in any RPG to date
Oh indeed. PS and PS2 had some piss-tough dungeons. I have the collection on GBA.
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Re: hard video games

Post by jegs2 »

theheap wrote:I am currently playing Shinobi for the PS2 and man that game is hard as hell. I have been playing it on and off since it first came out but it gets harder with each level and the bosses... FUCK, and this is just on normal. So i was just thinking, What are some of the harder games that you guys have played
Androids for the Timex Sinclair 2068, circa 1984... didn't make it far at all in that game before getting waxed.
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Post by Darth Garden Gnome »

Darth Utsanomiko wrote:Are you thinking of Skull Monkeys?
YAY! :D Yeah that's the one. Stupid game, but really long and difficult.
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Post by salm »

Einhander Sn0m4n wrote:Einhander. Never beat it.... Nuff Said!
Einhänder, yes, hard game. i inly beat it on easy.

bubble bobble was hard
i never beat the 100th level

the island of doctor destructo on c64
a game in which you had to sink battleships by shooting down enemy fighters which would then fall onto the ship and cause damage.
you also had to sink the island itself by using the mentioned method.
never managed it.
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Post by RadiO »

The most recent one I've noticed is Operation: Flashpoint , because it's realistic. In so much as it's easy to survive many of the missions... However, it's not easy to survive the missions AND actually achieve anything; and if you consistantly wimp out and cower in your foxhole they throw you out of the army. Perhaps they take it too far, because even just following orders and firing at the enemy won't prevent your name going on the Colonel's shit list.
And then there are the missions where even surviving is a feat worthy of praise. And the ones like the beach defence level, where there's a random chance that the preparatory barrage that the Soviets lay on 25 seconds into the mission will find your position, and then it's goodnight Vienna. Rest assured, this game wants to kill you.
And it's great.
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Post by Ren »

Neko001 wrote:FF1 is pretty hard. I've been killed countless of times getting out of Corneria. Otherwise, BoF2, that's hard too.
FF1 didn't seem very hard to me, and how do you get killed getting out of Corneria? Almost the only enemy you run into are imps and their wimps.
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Post by Larz »

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Daggerfall: not so much that its hard, its just that... is there even an end to that game?... I've played it for about a year now and havn't reached the end (been turned into a werebear twice, and vampire once... found the hard to find cure all three times though...)
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Post by Brother-Captain Gaius »

RadiO wrote:The most recent one I've noticed is Operation: Flashpoint , because it's realistic. In so much as it's easy to survive many of the missions... However, it's not easy to survive the missions AND actually achieve anything; and if you consistantly wimp out and cower in your foxhole they throw you out of the army. Perhaps they take it too far, because even just following orders and firing at the enemy won't prevent your name going on the Colonel's shit list.
And then there are the missions where even surviving is a feat worthy of praise. And the ones like the beach defence level, where there's a random chance that the preparatory barrage that the Soviets lay on 25 seconds into the mission will find your position, and then it's goodnight Vienna. Rest assured, this game wants to kill you.
And it's great.
Yes, Op Flash is demonically hard at times, especially Resistance. Part of the problem is what my friends and I affectionatly refer to as "Communist Power (TM)", the magical ability of enemy soldiers (usually Soviet) to kill you regardless of the circumstances.
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Post by RadiO »

Oh, man, yeah. :)
And there's the way that you'll shoot at a .50 gunner with your sniper rifle, miss and he'll just slowly swivel round and kill you with a single solitary shot, even though A) you're a mile away, B) you're behind a bush, and C) it's a coal-black night and the guy has no night vision - and the guy's skill is set to zero. Yikes. :shock:
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Post by Brother-Captain Gaius »

RadiO wrote:Oh, man, yeah. :)
And there's the way that you'll shoot at a .50 gunner with your sniper rifle, miss and he'll just slowly swivel round and kill you with a single solitary shot, even though A) you're a mile away, B) you're behind a bush, and C) it's a coal-black night and the guy has no night vision - and the guy's skill is set to zero. Yikes. :shock:
My friend was an Abrams commander and his platoon was engaging some Soviet infantry, for some reason the commies shot at the tanks with their AKs. When my friend was done mopping them up, he ordered the tank to fire at an incoming T72, but nothing happened. He went to first-person view and looked down, and his gunner was there, dead.
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Post by The Dark »

Wild Arms Advanced Third. The main story is fairly easy (though I'm at about 50 hours and counting), but the side bosses are next to impossible. I've killed ONE, and it took me three hours to kill him.

Burgertime. The least known NES game of all time. I've gotten to level 3 out of 10 twice in 14 years of playing the game. It's that hard.

Blaster Master (for NES, not PSX). In 14 years of playing, my father and I have gotten to level 3 of 8 once.
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