What is something really dumb YOU said?

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What is something really dumb YOU said?

Post by TrailerParkJawa »

Anyone want to admit to saying something really stupid at one time?
I'll start.

I once claimed that kids in Hong Kong did not join gangs. That was a pretty dumb thing to say.
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Post by Enforcer Talen »

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Post by DPDarkPrimus »

"You don't need to have you picture taken to get a retake!"

I was arguing the fact that school picture 'retakes' were called such whether or not you had gotten the school pictures originally. I was technically right, but damned if that sentence doesn't sound stupid.
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Post by Mr Bean »

Most things reguarding the weather I sound increably stuipd saying and am normaly wrong
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I sometimes say something stupid, but only when I have selective dyslexia or accidentally replace a word with one that's floating around in my mind. Happens when I type too...
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Post by The Yosemite Bear »

Aside from a decending spiral of Fruedian slips and double entendres that were purely inintentional. After like the 4th one, I couldn't dig my self out of the hole with dynamite.

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Post by Shinova »

I once said something really stupid in the WingZero debate. I think it went something like the ISD's turbolasers don't transfer heat to the Millennium Falcon's shields or something like that.
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Post by Raxmei »

I was asking my sister a copy Homer's Odyssey in English. She asked me "Will Fagles do or would you prefer a prose version?" I asked back "What, Fagle isn't a pro?"

I realized my mistake almost immediately, but by then it was too late.
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Post by TrailerParkJawa »

One time I asked a friend if he thought that when having sex with a person of the same race if your penis "fit" better. That really was not so much stupid as it was humorous. :lol:
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Re: What is something really dumb YOU said?

Post by jegs2 »

TrailerParkJawa wrote:Anyone want to admit to saying something really stupid at one time?
I'll start.

I once claimed that kids in Hong Kong did not join gangs. That was a pretty dumb thing to say.
As a petty officer in the USCG, I made fun of another petty officers wife (who looked not unlike a gorilla), unknowing that the petty officer in question had just entered the messdeck behind me. If I recall correctly, I told someone on the messdeck that he looked like a cross between a wookie and that particular petty officer's wife. I felt an inch tall when I discovered he was in the room with me -- regret saying it to this day...
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Re: What is something really dumb YOU said?

Post by TrailerParkJawa »

jegs2 wrote:As a petty officer in the USCG, I made fun of another petty officers wife (who looked not unlike a gorilla), unknowing that the petty officer in question had just entered the messdeck behind me. If I recall correctly, I told someone on the messdeck that he looked like a cross between a wookie and that particular petty officer's wife. I felt an inch tall when I discovered he was in the room with me -- regret saying it to this day...
That reminds me of a time I was ranting about jobs and education and I made a degrading remark about being an architecht and my friends older uncle who was a nice guy, says "Hey, thanks alot. Im an architect." I too regret making that comment.
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Post by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi »

I'm more of a doer of dumb things.

Once when I was on vacation, I was pacing around, and ended up walking into a family that was getting their picture taken, for example.

Then, there are all of those times I misplaced something, or embarrased myself in public.
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Post by haas mark »

Raxmei wrote:I was asking my sister a copy Homer's Odyssey in English. She asked me "Will Fagles do or would you prefer a prose version?" I asked back "What, Fagle isn't a pro?"

I realized my mistake almost immediately, but by then it was too late.

Anyways, in my senior government class in high school, we went around answering questions about each other as an introductory thing. The teacher asked, "Does anyone have any unusual pets?" My answer happened to be "Free trogs." Of course, I had not realized this until the teacher said, "Well, free trogs would make for an unusual pet, now wouldn't they?" Well, that and everyone's weird looks...

I love transposition. ;)
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Post by Kamakazie Sith »

Since I know I've said some dumb things, but can't think of any right now I will tell you all about something I did while on a cruise ship.

I was walking to the other side of the ship and came into the bar area. I saw this exployee putting chairs into the middle of the walk way and I thought "oh it must be some kind of game" but I noticed he wasn't finished so I decided to walk in between the chairs, and nearly fell on my head because someone had spilt a drink and the employee was blocking it off with chairs. The employee managed to save me from what would have probably been a serious head injury.

I felt so dumb I nodded a thank you and then left the scene. Doing something really stupid like that gives you certain powers for example I could feel hundreds of eyes burning into the back of my skull, and I could also hear their thoughts.....YES, I AM AN IDIOT!
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Post by neoolong »

Damn near anything I have ever said to a woman.
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Post by Nathan F »

I was talking sh*t about my boss one day at work, when he walked in and heard me, but, me being my usual witty self, suddenly made it sound like I was talking about someone at school.

Although I don't think he bought it...

I'm just glad he moved to another store the next week.

I don't really regret it though, cause he had the IQ of a small rodent, and didn't have the sense needed to be a store manager. You might think I am just saying that, but it was true. He was a dumbarse.
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Post by Howedar »

neoolong wrote:Damn near anything I have ever said to a woman.
Howedar is no longer here. Need to talk to him? Talk to Pick.
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