In my dorm, every tuesday, our bathrooms get cleaned. The way our dorms are set up, two dorm rooms share a bathroom. Well, the lady that cleans these bathrooms is, uhm, odd to say the least. Take last Tuesday, for example, I was sitting there studying for a test, and she comes up banging on my door saying 'Houskeeping!'. So, I get up, walk to the door, and open it. She asks if it is alright to clean my bathroom, and I say "Sure, thanks alot." And I return to studying. Well, instead of cleaning my bathroom, she comes over, sits on MY BED behind my desk, and starts babbling on about how she has pneumonia and stuff, and suddenly, starts talking like she her throat is so sore she can't speak (mind you, this is after she had already been talking in a normal voice). So, kind of at a loss as to what to do ( didn't want to tell her to just up and leave), I kind of half listen and do my best to hint that I really need to study. Finally, she decides to get up and go clean the bathroom and leave. Thing is, she ALWAYS comes through my room, and not my suitemates, so I have to put up with this EVERY friggen Tuesday, and sometimes more.
It is like this almost every week. There is always something wrong that she has to complain about (she has had the flu, heel spurs, and pneumonia in the last three weeks, apparently). And she has to go into the details about it to. Quite, uhm, odd at times.
But, needless to say, it is getting incredibly annoying.
Anybody have any idea as to what I can do about this?
Oh, and while I'm at it, I am getting majorly pissed at these idiots who bounce a basketball up and down the halls at 1AM and who like standing outside my door at 3AM talking (the walls are incrediebly thin, and they talk so loud I cannot get to sleep).
Any suggestions as to how to take care of this problem (blasting loud redneck or hard rock music doesn't work, I've tried

[rant mode off]