Like the title says
A few days ago, Rob and Arnie of the "Rob, Arnie and Dawn" show (I believe they're based in Reno, but their show is also broadcast here in Sacramento on 98.5 FM) made some rather inflammatory "jokes" that royally (and rightly) pissed off the GLBT community and likeminded people here in Sac. They stopped live broadcasts until this morning, when they issued an apology.Rob, Arnie & Dawn' hosts apologize for transgender comments
By Bill Lindelof
Published: Thursday, Jun. 11, 2009 - 8:16 am
Last Modified: Thursday, Jun. 11, 2009 - 11:24 am
A Sacramento radio team issued an on-air apology this morning for making offensive comments about transgender young people that prompted community outcry.
The on-air personalities of the "Rob, Arnie & Dawn" show on 98.5 KRXQ-FM have been off air this week after heated reaction to comments made May 28 about transgender teens. On that broadcast, Rob Williams and Arnie States labeled transgender people "freaks," "weirdos" and "drama queens."
"Our audience made clear that we had made it seem that we endorse or allow or encourage the harming and abuse of children, the bullying and vilifying of those who are different, and singling out of transgenders for harm," said Williams. "I want you to very clearly understand that I proudly and fully apologize for those comments completely."
He said he was sorry that the show made it sound as if the disc jockeys tolerate harm or mocking of teens.
"If you hurt a child in any way," Williams said. "If you joke about hurting a child in any way, if you advocate or tolerate hurting a child in any way, the 'Rob & Arnie and Dawn' show will stand against you."
He said the show would continue to be a forum for honest debate and discussion to open people's minds -- including for the disc jockeys themselves.
Since their initial comments, Williams and States have been labeled intolerant by transgender advocates and others.
Local and national businesses, including McDonald's, AT& T and the UC Davis Health System, have pulled advertising from the show or said they plan to discontinue ads.
The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) has been vocal in their objection to the comments by Williams and States.
Autumn Sandeen, a San Diego transgender activist and a 20-year Navy veteran, appeared on the radio program today. Sandeen recounted her military experience and provided a description of what makes a transgendered person.
She said she has been hurt by insults. "It is kind of hard when someone calls you 'It' or 'That Thing,'" said Sandeen.
Co-host States said he has had time to reflect on his earlier comments.
"I didn't realize that my words could really affect and hurt as bad and as negatively as they did -- not only to the transgender community but also to our audience. My ignorance prevented me from understanding how hard a transgendered's life is day to day. I ignorantly thought that name-calling was just that -- name-calling. I was wrong about that."
He said he would never endorse abuse to children. If he ever had a son or daughter, States said, his child would be able to get any kind of help from him.
Kim Pearson, mother of a transgender teen, also appeared on the show and told States that comments like those he made on May 28 send a clear and negative message.
She said on-air comments derogatory to transgender teens can have a chilling effect for parents and their children. If the children have questions about their own sexuality, they will not come to parents if they've applauded comments that label transgender people as "freaks," Pearson said.
This article doesn't specifically repeat the comments, but one of the hosts apparently said that "If my son tried to wear high heels, I'd probably hit him with my shoe. I'd throw a shoe at him." As implied, other comments were made as well.
I never liked their show in the first place (morning DJs in general annoy me, enough so that I just drive to work in silence or listen to news radio), but after this I'm glad to hear that several of their significant advertisers are bailing.
(note - One of the DJs, Dawn, defended trangendered individuals and opposed Rob and Arnie's comments)
I'm less pleased to see the commentary:
I particularly enjoy ones like this:"This was COMEDY, Get over it, and get on... not worth the attention given it. People today are too quick to be "hurt" by spoken words, and want others to "pay for their 'crime'" what a bunch of crud"
"Hate to see them cave. Good bye Sweet America."
"I'm disappointed that they caved into the pressure.
It was obviously a joke, and they weren't "advocating" anything other than humor.
People are entirely too thin-skinned these days."
"This is so stupid. Sad to see how GLAAD has society by the balls - or would, if they didn't prefer to cut them off."
The bigots always love to exclaim how their freedom of speech is being violated...and yet nobody is taking them to jail or threatening them under the law for making hateful remarks. I know we've talked about the asinine idea that "freedom of speech means your employer has to let you continue to work even after expressing bigoted views in the workplace, even if the expression of those views can result in the employer losing money" in the past, but it still sickens me every time I see it.Honestly i never thought they needed to Apoligize. All i get out of todays show is, parents of and tranns them selfs trying to make sure no one looks at them wrong or says anything that might offend them. Now Rob, Arnie, and Dawn cant talk as freely as they once had before. So their show will take a crap. This makes me sick to my stomach. I dont like Transgender (what a website i cant even call them anything else), bisexuals, gays, homosexual, what ever you call yourself so i dont offend you. Im sorry but people have been calling white people names .But thats ok cause we deserve it right. No one bitchs about that but if u say something about a Homosexual, African/black, Mexican etc we are rascit, and bigit's. Thx for really showing me what I joined the Marine Corp and fought for, absolutely nothing. Thx again for making me want to move back to Afag. and Iraq where i can speek Freely
There are some good comments as well, but they appear to be outnumberes by almost two to one from my quick look.
Yet another example that California is not the monolithic San-Fransisco-liberal state the rest of the country thinks we are.