I bolded the interesting points.Energy firms must invest £200bn to meet UK targets, says regulator
Ofgem warns of 60% rise in electricity and gas bills as private sector fails to deliver on security and green commitments
Volatile energy supplies over the next few years could lead to a surge in domestic bills, Ofgem warns. Photograph: Guardian
The energy regulator has warned that £200bn of new investment may be needed in the next few years in a tacit admission that the deregulated private sector industry is failing to deliver energy security and meet climate change plans for Britain.
Consumers could face price rises of up to 60% in their gas and electricity bills in the next seven years as energy supplies become more volatile, admitted Ofgem. The regulator has previously championed a low-cost market.
The unwillingness of energy companies to invest in Britain was underlined this week when German-owned utility E.ON postponed a plan to build a new "clean" coal-fired power station at Kingsnorth in Kent.
The recession and the difficulties of obtaining funding, plus uncertainties over government energy policies, have led some other companies to delay their plans for renewables or concentrate on building relatively cheap gas-fired plants.
But an Ofgem report said the biggest challenge was the country's growing reliance on a volatile global gas market as North Sea supplies dwindled and the need rose for variable power to compensate for intermittent sources such as wind.
"Our scenarios suggest that Britain faces a tough challenge in maintaining secure supplies whilst at the same time meeting its climate change targets ... Early action can avoid hasty and expensive measures later," said Ofgem chief executive, Alistair Buchanan.
Too little, too late
Energy analyst David Hunter at McKinnon & Clarke welcomed the Ofgem review but said it was a decade too late. "Lack of clear direction from the government has not given privately owned energy companies confidence in investing in the UK's energy market. This has led to ageing power stations not being replaced, a lacklustre approach to developing new technologies such as carbon capture and clean coal, and poor gas storage facilities."
The accountant Ernst & Young said the deregulated and competitive market had left companies making commercial decisions that suited their own interests but not necessarily those of the country.
The energy sector has been delivering investment of £6bn to £7bn of every year, but this is half the amount necessary by 2020 under the £200bn target used by Ofgem. "That [£200bn] figure is going to be a stretch," said Duncan Coneybeare, utility analyst at Ernst & Young.
Shadow energy secretary Greg Clark said the challenges in the energy sector came about because of government "dithering". "There has been no policy, effectively," he said. "We are in the situation we are because they have had their head in the sand for 12 years."
Clark said a Conservative government would take immediate action to authorise 5GW of capacity in clean coal and publish planning guidance for companies wishing to invest in nuclear power.
The Department of Energy and Climate Change said the report by the energy regulator was just a timely review of what might be needed in future.
"Ofgem is examining a range of hypothetical scenarios. It's prudent to do so, however unlikely they are. What's clear, and set out in our transition plan, is that there's no low-cost, high-carbon future. It's critical we maximise the effect of our planning reforms, clean energy rewards and efficiency measures to shift us away from fossil fuels and into a low-carbon mix," said a spokesman.
Gas dependence is predicted by the regulator to increase "dramatically", leading to risks if supplies are disrupted through a severe winter. Ofgem said that while the outlook for the coming Christmas period is "more comfortable" – with National Grid anticipating high capacity and good gas infrastructure – its analysis suggests "existing regulatory and market arrangements may well be tested severely over the next two decades". The report outlines its provisional assessment of supply issues. Ofgem is due to make further recommendations at the end of the year.
Market failure
But energy industry experts see the report as an acceptance that the market-driven system has failed and the government needs to be more interventionist.
The Which? consumer group said the Ofgem licensing agreements should force energy companies to build new gas storage facilities and other plants. "If the market isn't delivering the necessary investment, the government needs to act to ensure the lights won't go off and consumers aren't left to pick up the tab," it added.
The EEF manufacturing organisation said the Ofgem report raised questions about relying on a "dogmatic" approach to renewables targets, indicating these should be scaled down.
I like this quote:
Seriously?! No way! The magic of the free market didn't ensure the long term interest of the entire nation was looked after? Who would have fucking thought! It's amazing that accountants and economists have only figured out what engineers on the ground have being warning of for years.The accountant Ernst & Young said the deregulated and competitive market had left companies making commercial decisions that suited their own interests but not necessarily those of the country.
We have similar problems in South Australia and Victoria, private companies failing to invest in long term power production. Victoria in fact had some black outs not too long ago. South Australia saw it's energy prices soar after privatisation.