Covering it with thermal blankets on the other hand may protect it from parts of the infrared spectrum which to my knowledge ice does not reflect nearly as well.scottlowther wrote:Sure. But covering slightly dirty snow with a white blanket is not nearly as effective as covering dark water or dark plants or dark *whatever* with a white blanket. And sadly, our national - nevermind planetary - economy is not in sufficient shape to tackle *every* problem. So you have to priorize. Do you put a square meter of reflector where it will reflect the equivalent of 100 kilowatts, or where it'll reflect 1 kilowatt?
Edit: wait, never mind, disregard this.
Oh, that explains a lot.Given the amount of far-left-wing extremism I'm seeing here, it comes off as something of cognitive dissonance, or perhaps that "irony" I hear about so much from all the cool kids these days.
You do know that many of the more influential members here are Europeans, Canadians, and Aussies who have a very different understanding of what it means to be conservative, right? I've actually seen this place criticized for being too far Right before, strange as that probably sounds. Just thought I'd put things into perspective. I personally don't think "left" and "right" are all that useful of distinctions, except as a way of framing things in terms of conflict and opposition for those who insist on having sides to take.