This "Islamo-pandering climate" is part of an overall conspiracy as subtle as it is diabolical, for it was in action at least as far back as 1996. That was when half-Lebanese actress Salma Hayek played a vampire stripper in From Dusk Til Dawn and gave myself and countless other dudes a raging hard-on:Miss USA controversies storm the blogosphere
Tue May 18, 6:33 pm ET
And you thought beauty queens' infighting was fierce. No pageant managed by The Donald would be complete without its own outbreak of culture war.
Last year, of course, there was Miss USA's great Carrie Prejean controversy — when the reigning Miss California upheld marriage as an exclusively heterosexual insitution after celebrity blogger Perez Hilton asked about gay matrimony. (That dustup was eventually overtaken by Prejean's own naughty-photo scandal, which Donald Trump himself eventually arbitrated.)
This week, Lebanese-American immigrant Rima Fakih of Michigan was crowned Miss USA — maybe the first contestant of Muslim background to win, though the pageant's records are incomplete.
There were, of course, the usual day-after revelations about the new titlist's past media exploits: pictures from a 2007 pole-dancing competition and an appearance in a salaciously titled independent video production. But she remained fully clothed in both outings. In fact, the most provocative photos that have surfaced of her seem to be the official lingerie shots taken under the auspices of the pageant.
[Video: Trump defends the racy photos]
Instead, the highest decibels have been reserved for her Muslim Arab background (though the contestant herself has spoken little about religious matters, stressing that her family observes both Muslim and Christian holidays).
Daniel Pipes, who publishes a right-leaning blog on Middle Eastern affairs, pointed to a "surprising frequency of Muslims winning beauty pageants." While allowing that "they are all attractive" — Pipes, a former board member of the U.S. Institute for Peace, posted pictures of several — he said that their victories "make me suspect an odd form of affirmative action."
Pipes didn't theorize how shadowy beauty-pageant fixers might be greasing the skids for contestants — but other political bloggers were happy to advance more heated pronouncements.
"Miss Hezbollah is now Miss USA," declared conservative radio talk show host Debbie Schlussel, saying that Fakih's relatives in Lebanon had ties to the terrorist organization based there. Schlussel also said Fakih received some financial backing from onetime Hezbollah supporter Imad Hamad — or, as Schlussel put it, Fakih's "bid for the pageant was financed by an Islamic terrorist." Suggesting the pageant was "rigged," Schlussel wrote off Fakih's victory to a "politically correct, Islamo-pandering climate."
How could I have known that my reaction (and the reaction of most straight males who saw it) was not -as I suspected at the time- the typical reaction caused by looking at a hot chick? No, we were the victims of a cunning conspiracy designed by a sleeper cell of Islamo-fascists to stir our loins: a boner cell, if you will. The purpose of this sinister plot is not only to promote "terrorism", though:
One might be tempted to dismiss Malkin as a bigoted crank who thought it was a good idea to put Japanese-Americans into concentration camps in 1942. But only if one chooses to overlook the fact that the lead agitator in the Islamo-fascist plot, Salma Hayek, is half-Lebanese...Conservative blogger Michelle Malkin saw a conspiracy afoot, too — generic rather than Muslim-specific this time. Malkin mocked Fakih as a "gaffetastic" contestant who tripped over her gown as well as over her answer to a question about birth control — exposing Fakih's ignorance, Malkin argued, about what constitutes a "controlled substance" and what the purpose of health care is. "Looks like the Miss USA pageant didn't want to risk the wrath of the open-borders mob," Malkin said.
...and half...
Seriously though, these paranoid racist fucktards (and their numerous cockgoblins at Free Republic*) need to have their noses rubbed in this shit pile of their own making at every opportunity. I thought the white supremacist jackoffs at National Review had retired the trophy for crazed bigotry when they pushed the idea that Obama's birth was the result of a communist, race-mixing breeding program, but it doesn't come close to this lunacy. For starters, this plot assumes that my dick is a co-conspirator, and has been part of this plot for 15 years. I realize that tastes vary, but the idea that this a sop to Muslims or people who aren't into immigrant-bashing, and not a beauty pageant giving an award to a beautiful girl is cretinous and racist.
* Here's one Freeper, as described by Jesus' General:
Not really: I think I'll practice a Canadian accent in case I have to travel abroad in the near future. Eh.Maybe the IDF/Caterpillar can pancake her like St. Rachel Corrie.
by skimask
That last one was written by skimask, an Annapolis grad and Marine Corps officer. Makes you proud to be an American, doesn't he?