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Comments: We can all be sincerely thankful for this. Any "power-sharing" plan would have just seen another wholesale slaughter of hapless Muslim minorities by the Christians of southeastern Europe, as has been going on since the Russians started supporting and arming them in the 18th century to support their ambition of seizing "Constantinople". Only the Turkish Army saves the Turkish peoples of Cyprus from the inevitably genocidal result of Enosis.THE HAGUE, Tuesday, March 11 — The United Nations announced today that peace talks between the Greek and Turkish leaders of divided Cyprus had ended in failure and there would be no more negotiations.
"Regrettably these efforts were not a success," said a statement by the United Nations secretary general, Kofi Annan. "We have reached the end of the road."
Mr. Annan's special envoy for Cyprus, Alvara de Soto, read out the statement at a news conference after marathon talks held by Mr. Annan with the Greek Cypriot leader, Tassos Papadopoulos, and the Turkish Cypriot leader, Rauf Denktash.
Cyprus has been partitioned since Turkish troops invaded in 1974, seizing more than one-third of the Mediterranean island in response to a coup by Greek Cypriot militants seeking union with Greece.
Mr. Annan had asked the two leaders to meet him in The Hague in a last-ditch effort to get agreement on a United Nations peace plan to reunite the island.
He had hoped to persuade them to hold referendums on the plan on March 30 so that a united Cyprus could sign an accession treaty in mid-April to join the European Union.
Mr. Papadopoulos and Mr. Denktash signaled when they arrived in The Hague on Monday morning that they were unhappy with the power-sharing plan, partly because it would involve handovers of territory and population movements.
Mr. Denktash said the handover of some Turkish Cypriot territory would create refugees and throw many Turkish Cypriots out of their homes.
Many Greek Cypriots oppose the plan because it commits them to sharing power with a minority and restricts the number of Greek Cypriot refugees who would be able to return to their former homes.
Mr. Annan's proposal was the latest of numerous diplomatic efforts to reunite the island, and the Monday deadline he gave the two leaders for reaching agreement was the second in the current series of negotiations.
Britain, the former colonial power, and the United States had thrown their weight behind Mr. Annan's efforts, building on the impetus of Cyprus's impending accession to the European Union.
Turkey supported the Turkish Cypriot opposition to the United Nations plan, although a peace deal is crucial for Turkey's hopes of joining the European Union. The failure of the talks leaves Turkey at odds with Brussels.
The internationally recognized Cyprus government, the Greek Cypriot part of the island, is due to sign the European Union accession treaty on April 16 and to join the bloc in May 2004.
On Monday, Mr. Annan had suggested that the two leaders take a few more days to try to reach an agreement, and he had urged both men to call for referendums on the United Nations' unification plan.
Mr. Annan said he had hoped for a simple "yes or no" response on the referendum proposal. Instead, diplomats said, he was told by both sides that they wanted more time to discuss their differences.
Despite lengthy negotiations late into the night, the two parties remained at odds.