What should I know to understand Doctor Who?

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What should I know to understand Doctor Who?

Post by keen320 »

...or at least not feel totally clueless.

I've never watched Doctor Who before, but I'm thinking of watching the new season. Is the new season relatively self explanatory, or is there some background I should know, or that it may help to know? It seems rather intimidating, what with there apparently being eleven different incarnations of the Doctor (?), and I don't know how many episodes. :?

About all I know is he has some kind of time-traveling telephone booth, and some gizmo called a sonic screwdriver. I don't know how either of them works in the series. Basically just assume I never heard of it.
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Re: What should I know to understand Doctor Who?

Post by The Romulan Republic »

The Doctor is a 900 year old time traveling alien from a species called the Time Lords, originating on the planet Gallifrey. He travels around time and space in a machine called a TARDIS, which would disguise itself to fit in with its surroundings, but as I recall malfunctioned, leaving it always looking like a police box. The Doctor takes people he meets with him as companions- these are generally non-romantic relationships, even though some of them were clearly interested in the Doctor. One of the Doctor's defining traits is his species' ability to regenerate when facing death, up to 12 times in total. Mat Smith, the current star, plays the Eleventh Doctor. His current companions are Amy Pond, a young scottish woman, and her husband Rory. They are also sometimes joined by another time traveler named River, who has a mysterious relationship with the Doctor in the future.

Some time between the end of the old series and the start of the new series, the Time Lords fought a war with the Daleks, which the Doctor ended by wiping both sides from the universe (or trying to, surviving Daleks and Time Lords have both shown up since then). The Daleks are the Doctor's most iconic enemy, despite looking a bit like a salt shaker with a toilet plunger sticking out of it. Other major enemies include a mad Time Lord called The Master (apparently dead now), the Cybermen, and now the Silents, which nearly erased the universe last season and look set to be the main enemies this season.

I'm sure others can fill you in on anything I left out.
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Re: What should I know to understand Doctor Who?

Post by Ahriman238 »

Basically, the Doctor is a Time Lord, an alien being with two hearts who's forgotten more about science and history than you are ever likely to know. He cruises around the universe in his TARDIS a shape-changing spaceship and time machine the size of a small city (it can be bigger on the inside.) however, for budget reasons the TARDIS exterior is frozen in the shape of a 1950's police box and has been for 30 years of broadcast.

The doctor travels with a number of companions, some are aliens, some are robots, a few are from the distant past or future, but mostly they're humans from Earth, England, the present day.

When the Doctor dies, he turns into a new man with all the memories of previous versions. All his likes, dislikes and character quirks change but his core character and motivation "His curiosity, his compassion." remain the same. The Doctor is always an explorer, an adventurer, a myster-solver. He comes from the planet Gallifrey which isn't really there anymore since the new series started, and this makes the Doctor sad.

The sonic screwdriver is sort of an everytool, it can interface with any computer, light candles, open locked doors, pop champagne, screw and unscrew, cut, mend... Basically it can do almost anything except harm. It is not weapon it cannot kill or disable whatever is attacking the Doctor and his friends (except for the occasional robot that is vulnerable to it.)

That should be all you need to know to start any season of Doctor Who.

EDIT: Curse you, Romulan Republic, you forum-ninja! :)
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Re: What should I know to understand Doctor Who?

Post by Broomstick »

How about we show you a few bits so you can get some feel for things without needing a huge investment of time?

Here is a clip of The Doctor explaining (or trying to explain) the TARDIS and a few other things to Amy Pond the first time she goes somewhere with him.

By the way - she's totally alright and gets to enjoy hanging out in deep space.

Here The Doctor explains a bit about why he takes companions along with him, and also a bit of an issue with Amy being interested/attracted to him and him not wanting THAT sort of attention:

And here are the two short mini-episodes from Comic Relief, Space and Time (watch the top one first):

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Re: What should I know to understand Doctor Who?

Post by keen320 »

I guess that's a good start. Thanks! :D
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Re: What should I know to understand Doctor Who?

Post by Broomstick »


Although it does occur to me that the examples I've given are rather lighthearted and humorous. There is humor in Dr. Who, of course. There are also enemies that are downright scary as well. Weeping Angels*, for example - one of the other Whovians on SD.net said he first saw them in 2007 and only recently regained normal bowel control. Hey, after seeing them the first time I think I was sleeping with the lights on for four days afterward. So there are definitely heavy moments.

Not to mention that The Doctor has "died" ten times... hence all the regenerations....

Just so you don't go off to watch an episode thinking it's a comedy or something.

* Weeping Angels are in "Blink", "The Time of Angels", and "Flesh and Stone" if you want to go looking for them. They were scary bad in Blink. In later appearances they were worse.
A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. Leonard Nimoy.

Now I did a job. I got nothing but trouble since I did it, not to mention more than a few unkind words as regard to my character so let me make this abundantly clear. I do the job. And then I get paid.- Malcolm Reynolds, Captain of Serenity, which sums up my feelings regarding the lawsuit discussed here.

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Re: What should I know to understand Doctor Who?

Post by Ahriman238 »

Oddly enough, the Weeping Angels didn't scare me nearly as badly as the kid from 'The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances.' I did spend about a minute crapping myself during Blink, but then some objective part of me had to admire the skill of cinematography that made me afraid of statues, which called my attention to the fact that i was sitting there terrified of statues.

I still didn't watch the two-parter where they returned though.

And 'Midnight' was pretty terrifying in it's own right, because the monster was us, at least as much as the possession-critter.
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Re: What should I know to understand Doctor Who?

Post by Broomstick »

Oh, yeah - the Creepy Gas Mask Child. That was another one that had me turning on all the lights.
A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. Leonard Nimoy.

Now I did a job. I got nothing but trouble since I did it, not to mention more than a few unkind words as regard to my character so let me make this abundantly clear. I do the job. And then I get paid.- Malcolm Reynolds, Captain of Serenity, which sums up my feelings regarding the lawsuit discussed here.

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Re: What should I know to understand Doctor Who?

Post by The Romulan Republic »

My favorite examples of dark/tragic/dramatic Doctor Who from the new series are:

Season One: Dalek. A wonderful introduction to this great Doctor Who villain.

The Waters of Mars (special).

Season Five: The Time of Angels and Flesh and Stone. See above.

Season Five: Amy's Choice.

Season Five: Vincent and the Doctor (just for the tragedy of the ending).
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Re: What should I know to understand Doctor Who?

Post by Ugolino »

Waters of Mars was some of Rusty's finest work. Most of Season 1 and parts of 4 were great as well. 2 and 3 tended to be watchable but mediocre. 5 is mostly good, except for the Silurian episodes.

Try "the Unicorn and the Wasp". It was my first episode of Who, and got me hooked.
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Re: What should I know to understand Doctor Who?

Post by Patrick Degan »

Quick and dirty explaination of the TARDIS to Leela.
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Re: What should I know to understand Doctor Who?

Post by Patrick Degan »

And another explanation of the TARDIS to Stephen Taylor.
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Re: What should I know to understand Doctor Who?

Post by Shroom Man 777 »

Best thing is to watch Doctor Who without knowing anything at all about it. That'll actually make the experience more befuddling and, thus, more awesome.
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Re: What should I know to understand Doctor Who?

Post by hongi »

I think you won't enjoy it so much if you try to over analyse it or compare it to other sci-fi shows. DW really isn't like those shows. Just accept the awesomeness into your heart.
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Re: What should I know to understand Doctor Who?

Post by mr friendly guy »

http://bbs.stardestroyer.net/viewtopic. ... 4&start=45

This is the board's FAQ on popular science fiction series. I have linked it so that it starts with the Doctor Who FAQ.
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Re: What should I know to understand Doctor Who?

Post by Andehtron »

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Re: What should I know to understand Doctor Who?

Post by PeZook »

The new seasons are pretty self contained and explain most of the basic concepts...if you watch the episodes in order.

I watched them as I caught them on TV, which was pretty random. Took me a while before I stopped going WTF :D
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Re: What should I know to understand Doctor Who?

Post by Setesh »

Really the best introduction to Doctor Who I've seen is this review of the very first episode. He lays many of the concepts out for people who have only seen the new series or haven't seen any. Though it just may be that William Hartnell remains my favorite Doctor. Though I recommend watching all of his Who and other reviews, especially the Lost in Time reviews. Many episode were destroyed rather than archived due to various things that happened within the BBC.

Also Babelcolour made this beginners guide to the Doctor.
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Re: What should I know to understand Doctor Who?

Post by Molyneux »

Ahriman238 wrote:Oddly enough, the Weeping Angels didn't scare me nearly as badly as the kid from 'The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances.' I did spend about a minute crapping myself during Blink, but then some objective part of me had to admire the skill of cinematography that made me afraid of statues, which called my attention to the fact that i was sitting there terrified of statues.

I still didn't watch the two-parter where they returned though.

And 'Midnight' was pretty terrifying in it's own right, because the monster was us, at least as much as the possession-critter.
It's worth noting that they are not (at least, in Blink) actually statues at all; I recall seeing some production stills. Any time you seen a Angel, if it's not special effects, it's really an actor in very, very good makeup.

By the way, I highly recommend the two-parter where they show up again. It's a River Song episode, and apart from one scene near the end, it gave me chills all the way through.
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Re: What should I know to understand Doctor Who?

Post by Broomstick »

The Series 5 DVD set not only has some outakes with the actors in weeping angel makeup goofing around and dancing, but also a bit on how the make up was done. Think it was originally a Dr. Who Confidential thing.

They did use a few statues in the two-parter, but by far most of the Weeping Angels you ever see are live people in make up.
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Re: What should I know to understand Doctor Who?

Post by dragon »

Something else to remember is that even though events unfold a certain way in one episode doesn't mean it stays that way.
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Re: What should I know to understand Doctor Who?

Post by Eternal_Freedom »

And that we see events as they occur in the Doctor's personal timeline. That may or may not be the same as the universal timeline.

Case in point: Rive Song and the Doctor keep meeting in the wrong order.
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Re: What should I know to understand Doctor Who?

Post by dragon »

Eternal_Freedom wrote:And that we see events as they occur in the Doctor's personal timeline. That may or may not be the same as the universal timeline.

Case in point: Rive Song and the Doctor keep meeting in the wrong order.
Makes for a strange releationship. Also certain people or races just don't stay dead
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Re: What should I know to understand Doctor Who?

Post by Eternal_Freedom »

The Doctor will, generally, know exactly who he is dealing with by about halfway through the episode. End of part one if its's a two-parter.
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Re: What should I know to understand Doctor Who?

Post by Serafina »

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