Obama Judge filibuster outrage - The Evil of Filibusting

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Obama Judge filibuster outrage - The Evil of Filibusting

Post by SpaceMarine93 »

This is an article from Los Angeles Times:

Los Angeles Times wrote: Senate braces for possible filibuster over Obama judge pick

May 18, 2011|By James Oliphant

The Senate stands on the edge of what could be the biggest fight over an Obama administration judicial nominee yet, larger than either of the conflicts over Supreme Court picks Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has scheduled a vote for Thursday on the motion to cut off debate over the nomination of Goodwin Liu to the U.S. Court of Appeals in San Francisco. The motion requires 60 votes to pass—and its failure to do so would be, in effect, a filibuster. With 53 senators who caucus with Democrats in the Senate, at least seven Republicans would have cross party lines to allow Liu to receive an up-or-down vote on the floor.

Liu, a law professor at UC-Berkeley, is fiercely opposed by conservatives, who say he favors fashioning new individual rights in the Constitution and would tilt the Ninth Circuit appeals court, which already draws the enmity of the right, in an even more liberal direction. They also argue that he is an academic with no practical legal experience.

“With his aggressive left-wing ideology and raw inexperience, Goodwin Liu is the rare nominee who would make the Ninth Circuit worse than it already is. Senate Republicans need to unite to defeat his nomination,” said M. Edward Whelan of the Ethics and Public Policy Center, which champions conservative judicial nominees.

His supporters say Liu is a brilliant legal mind who follows judicial precedent and resides in the mainstream of American jurisprudence. And at 40, if he were to ascend to the Ninth Circuit, it’s highly possible he could be the first Asian American nominee to the Supreme Court at some point in his career.

The Obama White House generally has shied away from the kind of incendiary and partisan fights over appeals court judges that were a staple of the George W. Bush administration, preferring moderate nominees with extensive experience in the federal courts.

Indeed, while Sotomayor and Kagan were both heavily criticized by conservative groups, neither was in serious danger of being filibustered by the GOP.

But Liu could be a different story. Beyond their views of his fitness for the lifetime post, some Republicans are still smarting over Liu's testimony against Supreme Court nominee Samuel A. Alito Jr. in 2006.

“Given his exceptional credentials, first-rate legal mind, and commitment to the rule of law, he deserves an up-or-down vote and ultimately confirmation,” said Eric Schultz, a White House spokesman.

Liu cleared the Judiciary Committee in April for the third time, but by a straight 10-8 party-line vote.

In an "alert" released Wednesday by Sens. Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa) and Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), the current and former ranking members of the Judiciary Committee, the two said Liu, if confirmed by the Senate, "would advance his progressive philosophy for years to come, doing incalculable damage to the constitutional system of limited government and federalism envisioned by our founding fathers."

In the late 1990s, Senate Republicans delayed the nomination of Sotomayor to the appeals court in New York over concerns in part that she would ultimately reach the high court. And indeed, President Obama nominated her in 2009 to be the court’s first Hispanic justice.

Liu’s cause has been championed by interest groups, Asian American advocates, and prominent legal scholars, including former Whitewater counsel Kenneth Starr, since he was first nominated by Obama in early 2010. But until now, Reid hasn’t shown much inclination to fight for him.

Still, even though Democrats hold fewer seats in the current Congress than in the previous session, Reid seems to have found a groove with some difficult nominees. Already this month, district court nominees Edward Chen and Jack McConnell, both of whom were opposed by conservatives, have cleared the Senate, in part because some Republicans are reluctant to filibuster judicial nominees, recalling Democratic intransigence over Bush administration picks.

Republicans did try to block an early Obama appeals court nominee, David Hamilton, in 2009. Since then, the judicial wars on the appellate level have largely been quiet.

That changed Tuesday when Reid filed his cloture petition, a maneuver that was perhaps intended to catch conservative interest groups off guard. That left both sides working feverishly Wednesday on the nomination with the ultimate outcome anything but clear.

What gets me is not the fact that the fact that the Conservatives are blocking him on the grounds of his ideological standing (which is infringing his freedom of speech and thought, and outright Fascism, if you ask me), or the fact that they are using the same cliched "not - enough - experience" excuse to discredit an opponent, but their use of filibusting on the floor.

Its shameful really - the Republican senators, rather then simply vote no on the issue and accepting the results, whatever it may be, decides to simply stall this out, probably till the next presidential elections comes along and removing this issue completely with the new president choosing the judges, denying everyone a chance to make a decisive and honest motion to appoint him or not appoint him. They decided to play coward by exploiting this great evil, the filibuster. I mean know they have a right to do that, but I just think they use it so they could pettily deny their political opponents, and the whole point of it is just not honest politics

I mean, they had already tried that on the Bill that was supposed to provide free medical care for all rescue workers who RISKED their long term health to save people FROM THE WTC RUINS DURING THE SEPTEMBER 11 TERRORIST ATTACK, rather than simply voting yes or no. And they got away with it

And right now, the senate is around 8 votes short from delivering a motion to end the filibuster. Its simply not just unfair for Judge Liu - it is unfair for honest government. Its our senators doing dishonest and cowardly politics, people.

Views anyone?
Last edited by SCRawl on 2011-05-21 08:03pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Obama Judge filibuster outrage - The Evil of Filibusting

Post by Rogue 9 »

If they want to filibuster, they should be made to stand on the goddamned Senate floor and read the fucking phone book to stop the vote. The filibuster originates from the fact that Senators have an unlimited amount of time to speak on an issue if they so choose, and that's fine, but if they're going to use that privilege to delay a bill, then they should actually be speaking.
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Re: Obama Judge filibuster outrage - The Evil of Filibusting

Post by White Haven »

The current practice of filibustering has a lot in common with Ford Prefect talking the construction workers into just assuming that Arthur could lie there in front of the bulldozer if he had to, so why not assume he is. The difference is, unlike in actual comedy where it is intended as a joke, the highest political elites of the United States of America take the idea literally.
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Re: Obama Judge filibuster outrage - The Evil of Filibusting

Post by D.Turtle »

Unfortunately, the filibuster is now a day-to-day reality in the Senate. And it doesn't seem likely to change, as a nonfunctional government is preferable to many in comparison to a functioning government doing something they don't like.

When the Republicans had the majority, it was the Democrats who were filibustering some judicial appointments - to be fair, not as many as Republicans are now doing.

The reaction to Democrats doing that was fairly obvious and is "slightly" hypocritical in retrospect:
People for the American Way wrote:In 2005, when a handful of President Bush’s nominees faced filibusters, at least 12 current U.S. senators said that preventing judicial nominees from getting up-or-down votes isn’t just wrong: it’s unconstitutional.

Senator Saxby Chambliss (GA): “I believe [filibustering judicial nominees] is in violation of the Constitution” (4/13/05).

Senator John Cornyn (TX): Judicial filibusters are “offensive to our nation’s constitutional design…. eparation of powers principles strongly suggest that the Senate may not—and especially not by mere Senate rule—enhance its own power in such a manner without offending the Constitution” (2004).

Senator Mike Crapo (ID): “[T]he Constitution requires the Senate to hold up-or-down votes on all nominees” (5/25/05).

Senator Jim Demint (SC): “[D]enials of simple votes on judicial nominees” are “unconstitutional” (5/22/05).

Senator Lindsey Graham (SC): “I think filibustering judges will destroy the judiciary over time. I think it’s unconstitutional” (5/23/05).

Senator Orrin Hatch (UT): Filibustering judicial nominees is “unfair, dangerous, partisan, and unconstitutional” (1/12/05).

Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (TX): “[T]he Constitution envisions a 51-vote majority for judgeships…. [Filibustering judges] amend the Constitution without going through the proper processes…. We have a majority rule that is the tradition of the Senate with judges. It is the constitutional requirement” (4/28/05).

Senator Johnny Isakson (GA): “[T]he Constitution require an up-or-down vote” on judicial nominees. “I will vote to support a vote, up or down, on every nominee. Understanding that, were I in the minority party and the issues reversed, I would take exactly the same position because this document, our Constitution, does not equivocate” (5/19/05).

Senator Jon Kyl (AZ): “The President was elected fair and square. He has the right to submit judicial nominees and it is the Senate’s obligation under the Constitution to act on those nominees” (4/10/08).

Senator Jeff Sessions (AL): “[The Constitution] says the Senate shall advise and consent on treaties by a two-thirds vote, and simply ‘shall advise and consent’ on nominations…. I think there is no doubt the Founders understood that to mean … confirmation of a judicial nomination requires only a simple majority vote” (7/27/03).

Senator Richard Shelby (AL): “Why not allow the President to do his job of selecting judicial nominees and let us do our job in confirming or denying them? Principles of fairness call for it and the Constitution requires it” (11/12/03).

Senator John Thune (SD): Filibustering judicial nominees “is contrary to our Constitution …. It was the Founders’ intention that the Senate dispose of them with a simple majority vote” (4/21/05).

Lets hope that Democrats have enough of a spine to do what is done in such cases: recess nominations.
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Re: Obama Judge filibuster outrage - The Evil of Filibusting

Post by SpaceMarine93 »

Perhaps you have a point D Turtle. And I think somebody should remind the Democrats they can do recess nomination

In any case, vote Democrat, the lesser of two evils!
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Re: Obama Judge filibuster outrage - The Evil of Filibusting

Post by Rogue 9 »

White Haven wrote:The current practice of filibustering has a lot in common with Ford Prefect talking the construction workers into just assuming that Arthur could lie there in front of the bulldozer if he had to, so why not assume he is. The difference is, unlike in actual comedy where it is intended as a joke, the highest political elites of the United States of America take the idea literally.
And they shouldn't. That's the whole thing. Make them stand up and talk, and see how the American public takes to having some douchebag prattling on about nothing on C-SPAN 24/7 for the explicit purpose of holding up the people's business. The majority could make that rule change at the beginning of any given Congress.
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Re: Obama Judge filibuster outrage - The Evil of Filibusting

Post by SirNitram »

And then the minority would just have a single person object to the unanimous consent motions to move on with business.
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Re: Obama Judge filibuster outrage - The Evil of Filibusting

Post by Terralthra »

Can some mod please fix the text in the OP? Lime green is extremely hard to read on a white background.
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Re: Obama Judge filibuster outrage - The Evil of Filibusting

Post by Sriad »

D.Turtle wrote:Lets hope that Democrats have enough of a spine to do what is done in such cases: recess nominations.
Seems plausible; ultimately the construction workers outside Arthur Dent's house performed a recess demolition. 8)
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