Hey, I know I'd posted some stuff from my last game here, but my company wanted me to do some developer diary stuff for our website and it was the first time I'd uploaded some of the images of the way my guy is turning out. I figured I'd create a link here--if people are interested I can link more in the future, if not then whatev, at least I know.
Touch of Death's character gets his image refined to this:
The character is going to be for phone and mobile games, so he's currently 300 pixels tall and will end up 150 pixels tall on a small screen, meaning that his very broad coloration is done not only to make it readable, but also because small details are going to get blurry or lost and just mess with the design. The gross purple/green backdrop was just to offer some contrast with his colors, it wasn't done to make it look pretty--but this is a developer diary and not something I'd put in my portfolio.
Ahh crud I just spotted an error. Good thing I reposted this here--my wacom's colors seem a little off and I can miss that!
I'd love feedback about what to do next--just about nobody has posted on our website, but we can track the metrics and know it increases our readers by a few hundred users each time I post one. But since I'm not reviewing movies or TV shows or bad games it's hard to get a response it seems, so I don't exactly know what would be interesting about the game design process, especially the art end that I can talk about, to a person not in that job.
Developer Diary for my next game!
Moderator: Beowulf