Well since I'm updating, and despite the fact I already covered RL.. gonna throw out the last two sources because I want done with this to focus on DH stuff.
So.. enjoy it will probably be the last anyone gets for awhile!
Clodius class light ground APC
Mass 36
Engine 300
Movement 8
Infantry Yes
Digging cannon No
Weapons 1.5/5 laser, AP laser (turret)]
At this point I could say "Clodius stats" but I'm just going to list the stats and not comment, other than naming the vehicle. No point doing more than that.
The specifications of the Clodisu reflect its intended mission. It can maintain speeds of more than 90 kph, although this is at the expense of wepaons and armor.
Ground vehicle speed. One thing we notice si that they are VERY agile even for ground vehicles.
It carries 14 tons of armor, four tons on the turret, three tons on the front, two tons on the sides and rear, and one ton on the bottom
Clodius armor coverage and distribution. Were we inclined to do calcs based on armour this might be useful.
Hasta class light ground tank
Mass 36
Engine 300
Movement 8
Infantry No
Digging cannon no
Weapons 1.5/5 laser, TVLG (4) - turret
The Hasta.
The Hasta has a top speed of 96 kph
Faster than the light APC by a bit.
Reports from the field indicate that certian crews have modified the tank's interior to make it more comfortable, as well mounting additional armor and weapons to make it a more formidable fighter. TOG regulations strictly forbid such modifications, but the soliders prefer the possibility of a stay in the brig to death on the battlefield.
Like in 40K, TOG crewers will modifiy vehicles in the field if they need.
The Hasta's armor is slight, weighign only 13 tons.
13 tons of tank armour is "light". Note that given the Hasta's stated mass, over 1/3 the tank's mass is armour.
Jupiter-class light ground tank
Mass 38
Engine 300
Movement 8
Infantry No
Digging cannon no
Weapons 1.5/5 laser (turret), SMLM (2) (hull)
The Jupiter.
because of the Scout's high power-to-weight ratio, the Jupiter is able to reach speeds of about 96 KPH. Noramlly, only wheeled vechiles and hovercraft can go this fast. The Jupiter's four tracks are idependently driven, and a unique on-board computer system operates the hyper suspension system to give the driver control of the jupiter at almost any speed.
Another "fast" "light" tank. Note that it seems even the ground vehicles are quite sophisticated, and use all sorts of fancy computer shit.
Since the primary role of the recon vehicle is to relay information, the jupiter's communications equipment is centrally mounted for maximum protection.
The vehicle is designed to operate independently for several weeks without resupply and thus provides extra storage for food, fuel and everyday convenience items. The cockpit can be extended for sleeping, and the vehicle carries automatic sensor arrays for nighttime security.
Additional properties of the Jupiter tank. Take note of the extended operations functions and the data transmission funciton.
Cyclone light ground tank
Mass 38
Engine 300
Movement 8
Infantry/Digging cannon: no/no
Weapons 1.5/6 laser, SMLM (2) (turret)
Whirlwind Variantt: replaces weapons with TVLG (4) in turret.
Yet another light tank.
A six-wheeled suspension was mated to a boat-shaped hull design to ease river crossings. The vehicle uses the powerful Vulcan 300 engine, which gives the Cyclone a top speed of 96 kph.
All six wheels are pwoered for increased traction over difficult terrain.
Anothr fast ground vehicle, wheeled instead of tracked this time.
As the vehciles's design emphasizes mechanical reliability and easy repair, all components except for weapons, fire-control systems, and communications may be manufactured locally. Use of strategic materials is kept to a minimum, with most systems designed to be accessible and easily replaced.
To further speed repairs, all cyclones were fitted with a new diagnostic maintenance computer in 6825. This device can detect most faults and recommend maintenance solutions before there is a breakdown. This diagnostic computer is now a standard feature in all Warrick & Lucci combat vehicles.
An indicator of the level of technical sophistication and design/building priorities in RL vehicles - this tank is designed for "easy local repair" but still incorporates components and equipment that is pretty damn sophisticated by other universe standards (well, at least by 40K standards

It shows how the RL universe will stress the importance of different capabilities depending on priority (not just "RAR BE POWERFUL" - some need to be versatile, independent, etc.)
Defenses are light, with onl 13 tons of armor protection. This gives protection frrom small arms fire and shell fragments, but a solid hit form almost any other battlefield weapon will penetrate to the Cyclone's interior.
Smoke Dischargeres and a modest ECM suite complete the Cyclone's defensive systems.
13 tons of RL armour provides small arms/shrapnel protection but anything stronger will breach it. Probably says something about the capabilities of the armor, even by modern standards. Pity I have no clue how much modern tank armour (or past tank armour) weighs.
Note that all preceding vehicles are roughly as well protected armor-wise as the Cyclone. The Whirlwind variant adds 4 tons of armor, so its somewhat better protected. Of course they're "light" tanks and scout tanks so they're not really designed to stand up to vehicles. And its quite possible thatn even the lightest RL tank can still stand up to modern weaponry (given implications in Centurion, especially given that RL weapons are typically hypervelocity 6 to 8 inch shell analogues and tanks can mass hundreds of tons.)
A carlisle mark VII Long Range communications system is installed to give it continentlal communications range. With an optional satellite dish and uplink/downlink systems, the cyclone can talk to friendly units anywhere on the planet. The communications system is the one component that requires frequent maintenance, and so thae tnak's operators must be well trained to realize the system's full poetntial.
"Continental" implies hundreds if not thousands of km range.
Scamp-class light ground tank
Mass 37
Engine 300
Movement 8
Infantry/Digging cannon No/No
Weapons 1.5/5 laser, TVLG (4)
Yet another light tank.
The Scamp is a small, light evhicle, weighing 37 tons and carrying just 14 tons of armor.
The Scamp's main claim to fame, as it were, is its speed, more than 95 kph over open ground.
The Scamp has power in all eight wheels, and a central system regulates tire pressure.
IT is fully amphibious, capable of 20 kph in the water. Top speed is 98 kph in open country.
The Scamp mounts four tons of armor on the turret, three tons on the front, two tons on each side and rear, and one ton on the underside.
VArious Scamp stats. note a slightly higher top road "off road" speed. Although its a tire equipped vehicle it seems.
The Scamp carries a small but powerful terrain-mapping and communications system. As the Scamp probes for possible gaps in enemy lines, the TMX-9A automatically maps the surrounding terrain and attempts to determine the quickest route through the area. When the vehicle is ready to make a report, it raises its antenna and beams the message via a narrow-band microwave that is almost impossible to intercept. A benefciial side effect is the fact that it is also difficutl to pinpoint the origin of th transmission. The range of the equipment is approximately 250 kilometers.
The Scamp also boasts a powerful and effective concealment systme. The Hide and Seek (HS) system as it is known, is so effective that, given a few minutes of preparation, it can mask the vehicle's electornic signal from TOG units that are within 250 meters. The Scamp also has a throw-over camouflage screen that has concealed the vehicle from observes as close as 50 meters away.
Range of the Scamp's radio (echoes the "continental" range earlier, as well as the equipment related to its scouting capabilities, including the stealth/camouflage options.
Aclys Medium Ground APC
Mass 57
Engine 350
Movement 6
Infantry/Digging cannon Yes/No
Weapons 2 turret SMLM (2), 1 1.5/1 laser (turret) 2 1.5/1 laser (hull)
Medium ground based APC.
Kershaw medium ground tank
Mass 96
Engine 450
Movement 6
Infantry/Digging cannon No/no
Weapons Vulcan 1, 150mm (Turret)
And a medium tank. "Medium" of course is heavier than a RL tank, with a bigger turret.
Vindicta Medium ground APC
Mass 52
Engine 350
Movement 6
Infantry/Digging cannon Yes/No
Weapons AP laser x2 (turret), SMLM (2) hull-mount
Medium APC again.
The vehicle's boat shaped hull provides a spacious interior as well as superiro handlign while in water. Water propulsion units are fitted on the rear of the Vindicta to help it cross rivers. all six wheels turn, giving the Vindicta exceptional mobility in tight areas such as city streets. The Vindicta's speed is considered good for a ground vehicle, and field reprots indicate it handles well over most terrain. all six wheels are powered, and all three axles have lockable differentials to enhance tractions on various surface.s The tires have a variable pressure system to increse tire contact with the ground and to further increase traction. The wheeled suspension does have some difficulty coping with rough or muddy ground, sas compared to tracked vehicles, but it functions well in built-up areas
Tire based propulsion for the Vindicta, and it seems to emphasize a great deal of redundancy at that.
The vehicle is also fitted with a positive overpressure system and filters to protect the APC's occupants from chemical contaminants.
NBC protection. I believe modern tanks have such too.
Agitator medium ground tank
Mass 71
Engine 450
Movement 6
Infantry/Digging cannon no/no
Weapons 5/6 laser, 2 1.5/4 laser (turrets), 1.5/3 laser (hull)
Yet another medium ground tank.
With five tons of armor on the turret and the front, one ton on the bottom, and four tons on the sides, the Agitator is well-protected.
Over twenty tons, probably again about 1/3 the mass is armour.
Fauchard Medium ground APC
Mass 75
Engine 500
Movement 6
Infantry/Digging cannon yes/no
Weapons 2 Hull mounted TVLG(6), 1 AP laser and 1 1.5/6 laser (turret)
Yet another ground APC.
The 1.5/6 RO-crush-OR laser system is the APC's morst powerful energy weapon. tTs Rotation Optics (RO system has full overloading energy redundancy (OR). Thus, the system can fire a longer, ,more concetnrated beam without damaging either the optic's sensors, which track its firing, or the power coil system, which directs the energy flow from the power plant to the laser.
Interesting aspects of the laser armament for the above-mentioned APC.
Harasser-class Medium Ground APC
Mass 71
Engine 450
Movement 6
Infantry/Digging cannon Yes/No
Weapons 3/6 laser, TVLG (2) - turret
2 1.5/3 laser, 2 SMLM (2), hull[/quote]
And another ground APC.
Jaguar Medum ground APC
Mass 68
Engine 450
Movement 6
Infantry/Digging cannon yes/no
Weapons 2 1.5/4 laser, (turret), ,1 TVLG (4) hull, 1 SMLM (2) hull.
Another medium APC.
The Churchill 450 engine gives the jaguar excellent mobility for a ground vheicle. It can move up to 72 kph and has excellent acceleeration for a tracked vehicle.
72 kph for a ground vehicle, presumably over "open terrain". Stryker has a faster range "on road" but it is also lighter. I imagine its off road is maybe 1/3 to 1/2 its on road capability, so the Jaguar matches up despite being heavier (more heavily protected) and more heavily equipped,
Several assemblies can be manufactured on most worlds in the Commonwealth and require minimal stategic materials.
Another vehicle where "ease of building" is favored over power or capability.
The jagnuar's defense consists of 25 tons of armor, standard ECM systems and smoke dichages, and its mobility.
Probably can be considered "typical" medium ground APC defense. Again arour seems to be a little over 1/3 the mas.s. (although significantly more than 1/3 in this case... like 37%)
The door is designed for rapid entry and exit, permitting the entire squad to disembark within ten seconds. Like the rest of the vehicle, the infantry compbartment is fitted with passive and active NBC protective measures.
Deployment time and mention of NBC protection for the crew.
Pilus/activator class medium ground APC
Mass 78
Engine 500
Movement 6
Infantry/Digging cannon yes/no
Turert: AP laser, Vulcan 1, 25mm
hull: SMLM (1)
Another medium APC.
Cestus Heavy Ground tank
Mass 96
Engine 750
Movement 8
Infantry/Digging cannon No/no
Weapons 2 1.5/3 laser (hull)
2 TVLG (2) (hull), 1 1.5/4 laser (turret)[/quote]
Heavy tank.
The main advantage of the Cestus is not the weaponry, ,but its speed. Extremely fast for a heavy tank, the Cestus can easily keep up with lighter ground vehicles. Its unique three track design gives it control at high speeds and excellent ground-holding ability.
This implies it might have speeds on par with medium tanks/ground vehicles, which in turn means it might be as fast as an Abrams (or faster.) Of course it has a purely laser-based armment...
Crassus class Heavy ground tank/Riot suppression
Mass 100
Engine 450
Movement 4
Infantry/Digging cannon No/No
7.5/6 laser, AP laser (turret)
TVLG (4), AP laser (hull)
25mm gauss (turret)
Seems optimized for antipersonnel mainly.
The Crassus is a prime example of rapid assmebly-line manufacturing. As all components for the vehicles are produced in the same factories as the finished product, TOG Interstellar is able to meet the astounding production rate of 50,000 vehicles a year.
Its speed is roughly equal to other heavy ground vehicles.[/quote]
An indictor of TOG tank production rates. I'm not sure if this is just at one plant, or for the corporation as a whole across the entire TOG.. I'm betting its just for one plant/planet as that impleis fewer than 1 tank per several hundred systems annually.
It isn't neccesarily a sophisticated tank, probably not a high end, but its also a heavy tank, so it probably applies for lighter and meidum tanks as well.
Though thousands, if not millions, of Crassus class vehciels exist on multipel thousands of planets, the vehicle has not seen extensive combat.
Commonality. Probably literally millions/billions if we scale up to million or more systems... trillions if we go by "billions" of worlds mentioned in other sources. It also reinforces the idea that the 50K per year is just "one planet.
Reginus heavy ground tank
Mass 100
Engine 450
Movement 4
Infantry/Digging cannon No/No
100mm, ,AP laser (turret)
TVLG (4) turret,
1.5/2 laser, SMLM (2) (hull)
Anothr heavy tank.
Its speeds of more than 70 kph make it a formidable ground vehicle, indeeed.
That IS damn fast even if it is only on road speed. This tank weighs nearly twice that of an Abrams after all.
Of the millions of garrison legions in service to TOG, fewer than 10 percent are fully equipped with the Reginus.
"Millions" of Garrison legions, and hundreds of thousands of which have this tank.
Stratos Air Defense vehicle
Mass 84
Engine 500
Movement 6
Infantry/Digging cannon No/unspecified
Weapons Vulcan IV, SMLM (2), TVLG (6) - turret
MDC-8 (hull)
Designed for anti-aircraft.. eG their version of the Hydra. Note the extensive use of missiles as well as the MDC and vulcan defense system.
Halberd heavy APC
Mass 90
Engine 600
Movement 6
Infantry/Digging cannon Yes/No
2 hull 1.5/6 laser, 2 SMLM (2), 1 TVLG (2) in turret.
A "heavy" APC.
The molded armor is both visually appealing and a way of reducing the tank's profile to make it almost invisble to long range sensors.
Halberd APC's stealth measures. They seem to employ the same sort of measures modern vehicles are employing (land, sea or air) to reduce sensor profiles and such.
The Targeting and TRacking systme (T&T) is a slightly modified Laysoon mdoel 14 computer and display, a version that uses satellite and ground communications to project a three-dimesional layer of the terrain and enemy units.
It operates in two modes independently, normal sensors and the full 3d projections,which gives the driver and gunner a choice of profiles.
As we know, and if we needed further confirmation, RL ground combat relies on a great deal of coordination and communication by various info-providing mechanisms and sources.
Procurator class heavy ground tank
Mass 96
Engine 500
Movement 5
Infantry/Digging cannon No/No
Weapons 6 1.5/1laser in hull, 1 1,5/6 laser in turret.
Another heavy ground tank.
Using readily available components, including tractor chassis and civilian rated power plants, Caveat producd a prototype Procurator in less than a month.
When the procurator was approved for deployment, factories in several counties tooled up to produce 12,500 units per year.
Another indicator of production times fo rtanks. This may provide a rough benchmark for fighters too, but it provides another idea of tank production to complment the previous one, although whether it is per "county" or per "factory" or collectively for "several counties" we dont know. Conseratively assuming its combined for "several" counties - a county is between 40-50 worlds, - equal to a TOG province. There are 50 counties per dukedom, and 21 dukedoms (half of which are in TOG control currently) 4-6 thousand per country roughly, should be 4-6 million tanks for all the dukedoms (half that for those currenlty existing) - and that is just for heavy tanks of this particular type. It's not an exact figure by any means, but as a rough, order of magnitude estimate it is itneretsing. IIRC there are at least 1000 prefectures (as per Interceptor) and that means at least 10-30K provinces, so TOG production could be at least an Order of magnitude better on territory alone, possibly several OoM better.
Sterling heavy ground tank
Mass 100
Engine 450
Movement 4
Infantry/Digging cannon No/No
7.5/6 laser (turret), AP laser (turret)
SMLM (2) (turret)
TVLG (4) and 3/6 laser (hull)
Another heavy ground tank. One thing we should note commonly is all ground vehicles seem to emphasize heavy laser armmanets rather than projectile. Rather interesting really.
In 6799 the Commonwealth had called for bids for a new heavy ground tank, one with above-average armor, good weaponry, ,and a top speed of 36 kph or better.
...Sterling met or surpassed all the requirements and had produced a prototype within six months.
Another prototyping for a heavy tank, as well as movement speed 36 kph "or better" provides a lower limit for a heavy tank.
To top it off, the Sterling obtained speeds of 48 kph...
During trials, the vehicle had reached speeds of up to 50 kph. With regular use, speeds dropped ot 35 kph because of an inadequate filter system and an engine too small to provide maximum performance fo rextended periods. Sterling Enterprises remedied this problem by lengthening the hull to make room for a larger and more powerful Foundation 450 engine.
More on tank engine performance.. slower than an Abrams, but again vastly heavier.
To speed up roduction, Sterling Enterprises decided to manufacture components for the tank on several different planets and then ship them to the home factory for assembly.
Multi-system manufacturing. Has drawbacks, but allows for greater specialization.
Aeneas Light grav tank
Mass 139
Engine 1300
Thrust 8
Infantry/Digging cannon no/Yes
1.5/4, 100mm, TVLG (4) all in turret
now we're getting into the grav tnaks. The funny thing is - the lightest grav tank is still heavier and generally better than the heaviest ground tank.
Thios weapon (100mm gauss in Aeneas) has a maximum effective range of 2 kilometers and can fire most modern rounds, including the laser tipped Hammer HEad round. The 1.5/4 laser system, designed by Globetech, is standard for its type, with a range of four kilometers. Set on the right side of the turret is a Hollister TVLG four tube missiel rack mouhtned in holister's stnadrd rectangular missiel platform. These missiles are effective at ranges up to 1,200 meters.
Weapons ranges on the grav tank. Despite being better than everything else the ranges are laughably inferior compared to modern weapons for the most part, despite being hypervelocity and despie the fact fighters (which are comparable to grav tanks) and even artillery have vastly superior ranges to their RL counterparts for the most part.
The aeneas is amply protected, with 29 tons of armor and an average shield flicker rate fo 52.
Alcibiades class light grav tank
Mass 106
Engine 1100
Thrust 9
Infantry/Digging cannon No/Yes
Weapons 2 turret 1.5/5 laser, 1 Turreet 25mm, ,2 Hull SMLM (1)
Another light grav tank.
By removing the 25mm, the two lasers and the digging cannons, Globetech was able to fit a 50mm cannon in the turret and barely maintain the high accelration value,
Design compromises on a light grav tank.
The hull armor is made of a honeycombed-aligned crystalline-titanium alloy.
Magic material technobabble.
The vehicle's primary weapon is the Globetech armaments 25mm Gauss Cannon, with an effective range of 1200 meters. On each side of the cannon in the turret is a Globetech Laser technologies 1.5/5 laser, ,which has an effective range of 4 kilometers.
More laughably short-ranged hypervelocity weapons tech.
Kupis Light Grav APC
Mass 90
Engine 850
Thrust 8
Infantry/Digging cannon YEs/Yes
Weapons 25mm Gauss, SMLM (2) (both turret
Grav APCs
Nisus class light grav vehicle
Mass 129
Engine 1300
Thrust 9
Infantry/Digging cannon No/Yes
50mm Gauss, 1.5/5 laser (turret)
2 TVLG (2) in hull
generic light grav vehicle.
The first testing vehicle was born in four months...
4 month design/production phase for a light grav vhiecle.
These weapons are slaved ot the Llewellan Fire Control computer, which is linked in with the old but powerful visual, heat and neutrino sensors. This system can track ten targets at once ten kilometers way. The Nisus, however, never had the firepower to take full advnatage of this fantastic targeting device, and current countermeasures can now all but eliminate the sensor advantage.
Sensor and computer systems on the Nisus - note that the sensors are able to "track targets ten km away" and apparently firepower exists to take "full advantage" of this. One possibility WHY ranges are so short is given in the answer of countermeasures technology - which may be reducing possible sensor advantages to a fraction of what they could normally be. If so, and if we assume the laser has the typical 4 km range given for other vehicles, we might figure Countermeasures reduce weapons ranges to roughly 2/5 their actual values.(a 1.2 km gauss cannon can have a 3 km range in other words, whilst a 4 km range MDC or gauss cannon might have a 10 km range.)
Vespasian Light Grav Tank
Mass 153
Engine 1300
Thrust 7
Infantry/Digging cannon No/Yes
Weapons 150mm gauss, TVLG (4) (both turret), AP laser (hull)
Another light grav tank.
The Vespasians' main armament is the Vestonian Guass Company's 150mm Gauss Cannon, which has an effective range of 3 kilometers and can fire HEAP or Discarding Sabot rounds, as well as the standard 150mm antipersonnel and smoek rounds. Paired with this in the turret is the Hesparus Missile's TVLG (4) rack, armed with modified Hammer HEad munitions.
Vespasian's armament and range and the ammo.
Bata Revo class light grav tank (wolverine)
Mass: 137
Engine 1250
Thrust 8
Infantry Squd/Digging cannons No/Yes
Weapons 100mm Gauss, AP laser, 1 TVLG (4) in turret
2 TVLG (2) in hull
Another light grav tank.
The Wovlerine's primary weapon is the Lucifer munitions 100mm Gauss Cannon, one of the best of its kind, with an effective range of two kilometers.
These vertically launched missiles have a range of 1200 meters, with a modified Hammer Head round.
More ridiculously short weapons ranges.
Chktal Nor (graceful Death) light grav tank
Mass: 167
Thrust 6
Infantry Squd/Digging cannons No/Yes
TVLG (4) in turret, Hull mounted 150mm gauss, 2 1.5/5 lasers.
Kess'rith light grav tank. Or possibly Naram. Hard to say and I'm too lazy to look it up.
Nah Tikal (viper) class light APC
Mass: 90
Engine 850
Thrust 8
Infantry Squd/Digging cannons Yes/Yes
1 25mm Gauss, 1 SMLM (2) in turret
2 TVLG (2) in hull
Another Naram or Kessirth design. Again too lazy.
The Naram Design uses a system now standard on most combat vehicles. A pair of data-linked fire control computers select the optimum missile mix and firing seequence. The computers run some of the finest combat prediction programs in the common wealth.
"Standard" fire control for (RL/CW) vehicles.
Seeker-class Light Grav Vehicle
Mass: 137
Thrust 10
Infantry Squd/Digging cannons No/Yes
MDC-12, 25mm gauss, (turret both)
TVLG (2) in hull
Light "grav vehicle"
Several variants were tried at this time, including the most successful, which exchanged the MDC with a 100mm Gauss Cannon.
The original Seeker's primary weapon, the Mifflin MDC-12 Mass Driver cannon, allows the vehicle to engage targts with a powerful weapon at a range of four kilometers.
Beside the MDC in the turret is the Lucifer 25mm Gauss Cannon. Though rather short ranged at 1200 meters, this weapon can hit even heavily shielded targets
Intresting weapons mix and again laughably short ranges.
Vindicator class light grav tank
Mass: 142
Engine 1300
Thrust 8
Infantry Squd/Digging cannons No/Yes
100mm cannon, 1.5/6 laser (both turret)
1 SMLM (2) (in hull)
Another light grav tank.
Horatius medium grav tank
Mass: 273
Engine 2000
Thrust 6
Infantry Squd/Digging cannons no/yes
3/6 laser, SMLM (2), 50MM gauss, AP{ laser, Vulcan 2 (all in turret_)
150mm gauss (hull)
And we get to the meidum grav tanks.
With more than 35 tons of Tri-Oxyline composite armor, the Horatius is one of the best protected medium grav tanks in service.
More magic technobabble materials.
The horatius claims the distinction of being the TOG vehicle that moved fastst from drawing board to production, in a span of less than nine months.
TOG has slower design and production speeds than RL/CW, at least for Grav vehicles.
Hypaspis Medium grav APC
Mass: 191
Engine 1750
Thrust 6
Infantry Squd/Digging cannons Yes/Yes
7.5/6 laser, Vulcan IV, TVLG (6), SMLM (2) all in turret
2 AP laser in hull
Grav APC.
Hydarnis medium grav tank
Mass: 197
Engine 1750
Thrust 6
Infantry Squd/Digging cannons No/Yes
100mm gauss, AP laser, ,Vulcan 3 (turret)
2 SMLM (1) in hull, TVLG (4) in hull
Another medium grav tank.
LAbienus Medum armored grav APC
Mass: 225
Engine 1600
Thrust 6
Infantry Squd/Digging cannons Yes/Yes
Weapons 100mm gauss, TVLG(4), AP laser, Vulcan III (all turret)
5/6 laser, TVLG (4), SMLM (2) in hull
More grav APCs
The Labienus carries 45 tons of armor plating, only one ton less than the armor carried on the Romulus. Nine tons are mounted on the turret, four tons on the underside, ,and eight tons on all other facings.
In other words it has a shit ton of armor. Note that the armor/tonnage ratio is much lower for grav vehicles than ground vehicles (45/225 is 20%)
Pallas Class Medium Grav tank
Mass: 235
Engine 2000
Thrust 7
Infantry Squd/Digging cannons No/Yes
Weapons 150mm, oin hull
2 1.5/5 lkasers, 2 25mm in turret
Medium grav tank.
The Pallas' main weapon is the FitzWarren Munitions 150mm Gauss Cannon, with a maximum effective range of slightly more than three kilometers. The weapon has its own independent, terrain following computer, whcih automatically adjusts the elevation of the barrel during grounding.
Computer-compensated Gauss cannon with ridiculously short range.
Romulus Medium grav APC
Mass: 169
Engine 1500
Thrust 6
Infantry Squd/Digging cannons yes/yes
Weapons; 5/6 laser, SMLM (2), 2 TVLG (4), Vulcan III, AP laser (all turret mounted)
Another medium grav APC.
The Romulus does its job well. It is well armored, ,with nine tons on the front and the turret, eight tons on the side and rear, and four tons on the bottom. The shielding is also impressive, with an 80 flicker rate on the front and stern, a 70 flicker rate on the sides, and a 50 flicker rate on the underside.
46 tons of armour if I did the math right.
Bit'Nak val (Catapult) class Medium grav tank)
Mass: 269
Engine 1600
Thrust 4
Infantry Squd/Digging cannons: No/Yes
Weapons 200mm (turret), ,AP laser (turreT), ,2 SMLM (2) (turret)
2 TVLG (6) - hull mount
another Kessrith/Naram vehicle design.
The TVLG has an effective range of 1200 meters, and the SMLM has a range of just over two kilometers.
Dig those fearsome missile ranges.
The Catapult's armor, on the other hand, weighs in at 38 tons, which is substnatial compared to most meidums. Its average shield flicker rate is 65, excepf rot the bottom shields, giving the Catapult more staying power.
Armour tonnage for a medium grav tank
Liberator Medium grav tank
Mass: 273
Engine 2000
Thrust 6
Infantry Squd/Digging cannons No/Yes
Weapons: 5/6 laser, 150mm, 50mm, Vulcan III (all turret)
2 TVLG (4) (hull)
The Liberator, the common RL/Commonwelath ground combat vehicle.
Scorpion medium grav tank
Mass: 204
Engine 2000
Thrust 8
Infantry Squd/Digging cannons: No/Yes
Weapons (turret): 7.5/6 laser, ,2 SMLM (2), Vulcan III
(Hull): TVLG (12) x 2
Another medium grav tank,
The Scorpion uses the Naram Double-hull design, easing maintenance and providing a protected external area for additional ECM equipment. The designers included extra systems to increase the Scorpion's ambush capabilities. The extra systems increase maintenance time but give the Scorpion enough extra stealth to make them worthwhile. The Scorpion can even hide from direct orbital observation under certain circumstances.
The "double hull" bit is interesting - does it act as spaced armour as well? Also the capabilities of the stealth system are even more impressive if they hamper orbital detection even slightly (which as we know from other sources is a big concern in RL universe combat.)
Spartius medium Grav APC
Mass: 189
Engine: 1500
Thrust 6
Infantry Squd/Digging cannons Yes/Yes
Weapons; Turret: 2 5/6 laser, Vulcan III, SMLM (2), TVLG (6)
Hull: 2x TVLG (4)
Medium grav apc
Trojan-Horse class Medium grav APC
Mass: 206
Engine 1600
Thrust 6
Infantry Squd/Digging cannons: Yes (3)/Yes
TurreT: 25mm gauss, TVLG (6), Vulcan III
Hull: 2x TVLG (4), 2 SMLM (2)
Yet another med GAPC
The armor protection of the CSV-25 is amazing; ten tons on the turret, ,front, and rear, nine tons on each side, and seven tons on the bottom. The shielding is also good, ,with 70 flicker-rate shields mounted on all facings, except for the 50 flicker rate shield on the bottom. Acceleration is on the scale of 72 kph every minute, which is impressive for a medium vehicle.
55 tons of armour (slightly more than 25% of the mass). And if I get the math right it accelerates at 1/3 of a meter per second squared, or 30 milligees. Whether that is impressive or not I dont know.
The most impressive and unique feature of the CSV-25, however, is its ability to carry three combat-ready infantry squads, or 24 men.
Medium APC carries 3 8-man squads.
Augustus Heavy grav tank:
Mass: 382
Engine 2500
Thrust 4
Infantry Squd/Digging cannons No/No
Turret: 2 7.5/6 lasers, Vulcan IV, 200mm gauss
Hull: 100mm gauss, 2 TVLG (4), SMLM (2)
Now the heavy grav tanks.
Often called a monster or giant, the Augustus carries 57 tons of Tri-Exoly armor, the best available. The grav tank's weakest shield is a 70 flicker-rate, and that is on the bottom. The rest of the vehicle is protected with 80 and 90 flicker-shields. The Augustus can accelerate by as much as 50 kph every minute.
Armour makes up about 14% of the total mass of the tank. Acceleration .23 M/s^2 if I did the math right or 23 miligees
Ferox Rex Heavy Grav Tank
Mass: 441
Engine 2500
Thrust 3
Infantry Squd/Digging cannons Yes/Yes
Turret: MDC-12, 50Mm gauss, AP laser, Vulcan IV
Hull: 7.5/6 laser, TVLG (6), 200mm Gauss.
Another heavy grav tank.
The Ferox Rex carries numerous offensive weapons. Turret-mounted systems consist of a MDC-12 and a 50mm Gauss cannon. A heavy 7.5/6 laser, a 200mm Gauss Cannon, and a TVLG (6) are mounted in the hull. This weapons mix gives the Ferox Rex an excellent offensive capability at all ranges up to 4000 meters.
Which makes it about equal range wise to a RL tank, at best.
Defensive systems on the Ferox Rex are outstanding. The vehicle carries some of hte heaviest shields ever fitted on a combat vehicle. Armor weights in at a staggering 56 tons.
State of the artt ECM and NBC systems complete the Ferox Rex's defenses.
The Ferox REx is the only TOG heavy tank that contains an infantry compartment.
ECM and NBC systems, and a tank that carriest roops. Armour is less than 13% of the mass of the tank.
Octavian class heavy grav tank
Mass: 357
Engine 2500
Thrust 3
Infantry Squd/Digging cannons: No/Yes
Turret: MDC-10, Vulcan IV, 150mm gauss, 5/6 laser
Hull: SMLM (2), TVLG (6)x2, 1.5/6 Laser
Another heavy grav tank.
With redundant damage-controls ystems and unique armament placement, the Octavian seems better able to withstand attack than other grav tanks.
The Octavian carries standard TOG shield generators and molecularly aligned crystalline titanium armor.
More technobabble armour and extreme redundancy for damage resistance.
Halabad Industries has already geared its factory worlds for Octavian production. As soon as it gets approval, Halabad can start producing 10,000 units per year.
Implied heavy grav tank production.. seems to be spread across multiple worlds, so hard to guess at rates. still even 10 K for a single industry (when there are bound to be multiple) is impressive
Trajan class heavy grav tank
Mass: 377
Engine 2500
Thrust 4
Infantry Squd/Digging cannons: No/Yes
Turret: 2 7.5/6 laser, SMLM (2), Vulcan IV, 2x AP laser
Hull 200mm gauss, TVLG (12)
Another heavy grav tank.
Crusader heavy grav tank
Mass: 431
Engine 2500
Thrust 3
Infantry Squd/Digging cannons No/Yes
Turret: MDC-12, SMLM (2), 100mm gauss, 2x1.5/6 lasers
Hull: 200mm Gauss, 2xTVLG(6)
And another.
Crusader HGT, Bak'H Matha variant
(Identical save for following)
Mass: 419
Thrust 3
turret: 7.5/6 laser, 2x 5/6 laser, AP laser, Vulcan IV,
Hull: 2x 7.5/6 laser
and another.
The Crusader's design has been proven by decades of battle. Its weapons mix makes it a threat to enemy vehicles at all ranges from 4,000 meters on in, and its heavy armor and shielding make it one of hte toughest targets on the battlefield.
Defensive systems are outstanding, with some of the heaviest shields and armor ever mounted on a combat vehicle.
The Crusader mounts a good ECM suite, making it one of the most difficult heavy vehicles to acquire as a target.
Crusader capabilities.
Deliverer class Heavy Grav Tank
Mass: 404
Engine 2500
Thrust 4
Infantry Squd/Digging cannons No/Yes
Turret: 7.5/6 laser, 50mm gauss, SMLM (2), Vulcan IV
Hull: 2x1.5/6 laser, 200mm gauss, TVLG (6)
another heavy tank.
The roar from the 200mm cannon was unexpected after TOG battlefield sensors scanning the tanks in profile did not detect the gun, which was concealed by the outer hull. Then they found the Deliverer could cripple an opponent in seconds.
Self explanatory. Not really sure what to say honestly
Dominator heavy Grav tank
Mass: 267
Engine: 2500
Thrust: 7
Infantry Squd/Digging cannons No/Yes
Turret: 100mm Gauss cannon, Vulcan III, AP laser.
Hull: 2x1.5/6 laser, 2xTVLG(4), SMLM (4)
Another tank.
Eliminator/Cincinanatus Heavy Grav Tank
Mass: 368
Engine 2500
Thrust 2
Infantry Squd/Digging cannons No/no
Turret: 200mm gauss, MDC-12, Vulcan IV, AP laser
Hull: 2 SMLM (2), 2 TVLG (12)
More tanks.
The two vehicles are nearly identical, with the Renegade's Cinncinatus mdoel lacking some crew comforts, such as field-integrated battle couchs and acceleration dampers in the fighting comparttment, but with more storage space for supplies and spare parts.
Some grav vehicles seem to have some measure of built in AG for various purposes.
The tank has experienced engine burnout, but only because many commanders attmept to compensate for sluggish acceleration and end up abusing the system by repeeated use of overdrive power.
It is possible to "overdrive" teh engines, although shortening the lifespan and risking burnout./
Stades class Grav Scout Vechile:
Mass: 85
Engine 1150
Thrust 12
Infantry Squd/Digging cannons No/Yes
Turret: Vulcan 1, ,AP Laser
Hull: SMLM(1), TVLG (2)
Grav scout.
Scipio class Grav Antiaircraft vehicle
Mass: 145
Engine 1300
Thrust 7
Infantry Squd/Digging cannons No/Yes
turret: 25mm Gauss, Vulcan II, 3 Hardpoints
Air defense ystem (hull)
Grav AAA vehicel.
Scipios usually carry Scanner Silhouette Seeking (SSS) missiles. Though it does less damage than other types of missiles, the SSS is excellent at hitting head-on targets.
This implies fighter missile are less destructive than tank missiles, although "other missiles" may refer to fighter missiles. I wonder what sort of range it has
Eradicator Grav Antiaircraft vehicle:
Mass: 143
Engine 1250
Thrust 7
Infantry Squd/Digging cannons: No/Yes
Weapons Turret: 25mm gauss, 2 hard points
Hull: 2 hard points, PIR Defense syste,
More Grav AAA.
Pompey Grav Artillery Vehicle
Mass: 370
Engine 1900
Thrust 4
Infantry Squd/Digging cannons: No/Yes
GPE-1A Gravitic cannon, Vulcan III
2 Hull mounted AP laser
Grav artillery.
The Pompey boasts a medium grav tank's protection, plus the firepower of a heavier ground-artillery piece. Armaments vary but usually contain a version of the Mass Driver Cannon Type 8, 10, or 12, plus defensive armaments. other versions of the Pompey have been equipped with direct-fire Gauss cannons for the vehicle's anti-tank role. This assortment of weapons eliminates any concept of a stnadard Pompey.
Grav aritllery capabilities.
Pedden class Grav Artillery Piece
Mass: 357
Engine 1800
Thrust 4
Infantry Squd/Digging cannons No/Yes
GPA5 cannon (turret), Vulcan IV (tuirret)
AP laser (hull)
Another grav artillery vehicle.
The cannon has a 360 degree field of fire and can eleveate to 80 degrees. Since modern artillery weapons are essentially recoilless, large recoil-absoring mechanisms are not needed. The weapons do require complex stabilization and cooling systmes to keep them accurate.
Interesting that grav artillery is "recoilless" - wonder why this is - does the force field mechanisms spread it out in some way? Or is there some exotic mean of transferring the unit.
The haart of the Pedden is the massive GPA5 Artillery piece. This 212 ton unit is the fifth version of an artillery weapon that first appeared in 6781. Since its introduction, the GPA has undergone several improvements, incorporating technology, better fire control, and a quicker more dependable loading system. The Pedden can engage multiple targets while on the move with exceptional accuracy and effect. It can fire every type of munition found in the CommonWealth and Renegade Legion inventry, from simple high-explosive cratering rounds to the massively destructive HELL round. Using its autoloader for sustained bombardments, the PEdden can deliver a devastating barrage in seconds. This rate can be sustained only from stationary firing position because target acquisition takes longe rwhen the vhicle is in motion.
Grav artillery capabilities.
Remus Medium Grav Armored engineergng vehicle:
Mass: 165
Engine 1500
Thrust 6
Infantry Squd/Digging cannons: No/Yes
Turret: 1.5/4 laser, SMLM (2), 2xTVLG (4), AP laser
Hull: 2 Engineering attachments
Grav engineering vehicles.
Constructor Medium Grav Armored engineergin vehicle
Mass: 307
Engine 2000
Thrust 5
Infantry Squd/Digging cannons: No/Yes
Turret: 5/6 laser, 150mm gauss, 50mm gauss
Mass: 2x TVLG (4), 2 Engineerign attachment
More of that stuff.
[Back cover]
APCS- These vechiels move the infantry to the field of battle, and no army in history could advance without infantry to lead it. If you want to conquer a world without having to bomb it into a nuclear winter, you need flesh and blood men of iron conviction.
Anti-Aerospace: Surface-to-Air missile platforms with high-powered laser targeting systems to protect the ground units from HELL bombs and strafing attacks that Interceptors are making in the atmosphere.
Artillery units- these vehicles deliver all manner of indirect fire munitions, support combat units by prepping the objective, fire against point target designated by the forward units, and place special signal scattering rounds to mask troop movements.
Various nteresting descriptions of vehicles. Note that troops to hold territory "without bombing it into a nuclear winter", which has implication for firepower, as well as fighters dropping "Hell" bombs. Which I take to mean HELL munitions of some kind.