Ex-President of Guatemala Convicted of Genocide

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Ex-President of Guatemala Convicted of Genocide

Post by Elfdart »

Democracy Now
Former U.S.-backed Guatemalan dictator Efraín Ríos Montt has been found guilty in a historic trial. He is the first head of state in the Americas to stand trial for genocide. He was charged with overseeing the slaughter of more than 1,700 people in Guatemala’s Mayan region after he seized power in 1982.
The regime in Guatemala was installed by a CIA-backed coup against the lawfully elected regime of Jacobo Arbenz Guzman. Montt and the other generalissimos were responsible for the slaughter of well over 200,000 people in Guatemala and another 40,000 or so "disappeared". Hopefully he'll spend the rest of his unnatural life behind bars.
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Re: Ex-President of Guatemala Convicted of Genocide

Post by Saxtonite »

I remember hearing when he was put on trial. Yeah I'd say he deserves it given how he abused the Mayan parts of Guatemala. Granted I think a lot more people deserve some retribution as well.
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Re: Ex-President of Guatemala Convicted of Genocide

Post by K. A. Pital »

Don't forget the rapes as well.

I hope this shitpiece dies in agony from prison conditions.
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Re: Ex-President of Guatemala Convicted of Genocide

Post by Elfdart »

I wasn't sure whether to laugh or barf when just a couple of hours after Montt was convicted, that asshole Bill Maher tried to claim that TEH MOOOOOSLIMS! has a religion that promoted more violence than others. Luckily, Glennzilla was on hand to call him on his stupidity and bigotry (i.e. Sam Harris Lite) and for the second time on the same show Maher knew he was getting PWNED and sheepishly changed the subject.

For those who don't know, Montt is an evangelical fundie (close friends with Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell and other US bible-thumpers) who famously said that a good Christian should carry a bible in one hand and a machinegun in the other. His reason for quitting the Catholic church and going Full Snake Handler? Some Catholics made a fuss about atrocities committed by creeps like Efrain Rios Montt!

Oh and double fuck Bitburg Ronnie Reagan and his regime, who supported this genocidal monster.
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Re: Ex-President of Guatemala Convicted of Genocide

Post by K. A. Pital »

So what happens when you tell all those good Christian men that in Montt's Guatemala nuns were raped? Is that aokay with them?
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Re: Ex-President of Guatemala Convicted of Genocide

Post by Elfdart »

Stas Bush wrote:So what happens when you tell all those good Christian men that in Montt's Guatemala nuns were raped? Is that aokay with them?
William McKinley said he was invading the Philippines to make Christians of the Filipinos. When it was pointed out that they were already Roman Catholic he responded something to the tune of "Exactly!"

Or for a more recent example, ask any bible-thumper who supported the Iraq War if they have any remorse given what's happened to the Christian population in that country.

Religious fanatics are always willing eager to see their own brethren slaughtered, since they think a true believer should be ready to "take one for the team" anyway.
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Re: Ex-President of Guatemala Convicted of Genocide

Post by Tiriol »

Isn't there a more or less vocal portion of fundamentalist movement that don't consider Catholics to be Christian or something like that?
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Re: Ex-President of Guatemala Convicted of Genocide

Post by Elfdart »

Tiriol wrote:Isn't there a more or less vocal portion of fundamentalist movement that don't consider Catholics to be Christian or something like that?
Yes, though snake handlers and other evangelicals do make common cause with them when it comes to gay-bashing and making sure "whores" suffer God's labor pain curse, issued back in the Garden of Eden. In other words, no abortion or contraception (though Protestant fundies are more open to the latter).
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