We got Judy Hopps in Little Rodentia, a district for shrews and mice with it's own little streets and buildings. In Zootopia you got big six meter tall elephants living alongside six centimeter tall voles and mice. Think about it in terms of living space. Judy's crappy single room apartment could easily be sub-divided into a neighborhood of for thousands of such critters. Also think of their food budget: a single regular sized loaf of bread could feed a dozen voles for a week. On the flipside, elephants eat up to two hundred kilos of food a day. Basically imagine a vole and a Rhino both employed as data entry. If you can contrive a keyboard small enough for the vole to use the vole can do the same work as a the Rhino which would theoretically be worth the same amount to the company. However each Dollar goes thousands of times further for the Vole than the Rhino.
This is only the beginning of the issues relating to scale difference. Imagine being a Hamster walking across a major intersection in Zootopia where you got thousands of huge elephants, antelopes, deer and tigers, giraffes, elephants and similar walking about. Better be careful because one careless accident and you're a smear on the pavement. Now imagine driving down Zootopia's streets in one of those toy scale cars. Moreover imagine if there was some rodent crime in one of those rodent buildings and the police had to respond. Judy (the only rabbit on the force) is like King Kong in Little Rodentia, A Polar Bear or a Hippo officer would be like fucking Godzilla and while having Kaiju police officers sounds cool you can easily see how it would be impractical.
PS: don't take this for an instant as evidence I don't like Zootopia. It's a good movie and you should see it.