Ghost Rider wrote:You're either dealing with the Cult of Connie(wherein they believe that the Ent-nil can destroy stars) or a moron who has no grasp of what 200GT does to a ship of Ent-nil's power.
If you can believe it, it's neither and both. I'm having to circumvent the following comments (not all from the same person):
The Enterprise would win, the Death Star takes too long to lock on to and fire on a relatively stationary target. All the Enterprise would have to do is send a drop or two of anti-matter into the Death Star by way of the transporter and it would be all over. Another point would be that the Death Star pictured relied on a shield generator on the surface of a planet for protection. Wipe that out with a photon torpedo or two and the Death Star would be a sitting duck, a very large sitting duck.
Yeah the Enterprise, no contest. The Death Star may have Vader and planet busting power, but the Enterprise has Spock and Kirk. One almost feels sorry for the stormtroopers. Almost.
I'd have to agree with the anti-matter transportaion idea, the death star wouldn't stand a chance.
. and theres one more thing that no one's mentioned: The Deathstar is crewed and led by the Bad Guys and the Enterprise is crewed by the Good Guys. and the Good Guys always win.
After my first post which demonstrated a sample of the power disparity, I got this:
BUT, you forgot the transporters AND anti-matter. Just beam some anti-matter inside the death star and I figure that's all she wrote. Another point, the death star gunners had one heck of a time trying to shoot down any of the rebel attackers, what makes you so sure they got any better at it?
To which I replied that the hypermatter reacter was shielded
and the entire Death Star was shielded, therefor no beam in a bomb trickery. I also mentioned relative scale of the ships involved. An x-wing is ~1/20th the size (length only) of the
Enterprise nil. The
Enterprise is roughly the same size as a Nebulon B and the Death Star's heavy and light gunners could make quick work of that size ship.
What if Spock could learn the force?
The strength of the Enterprise isn't counted by the power of her phasers or her shields or her torpedoes... these things are immaterial, a mere tally and comparison of firepower misses the point. Which is the heart and soul and will of the crew. Where there's a will Kirk and Spock'd find a way, probably without even taking the weapons on-line or firing a shot.
Overwhelming force is no guarantee of victory, as the French found out at Agincourt, the Zulus at Rourkes Drift, the Persians at Thermopylae, the Luftwaffe over the skies of Britain...
hey, maybe Spock could mind-meld with Vader and turn him back to the fluffy side of the Force... or if all else fails they could simply ram at light or warp speed, that should release enough energy to destroy the Deathstar.
It's every single fallacious argument ever invented!
I got ten bucks saying that Kirk, Spock and Bones will befriend the Ewoks so they can defeat the troops on the ground and blow the shield generator (with the antimatter laden photon torpedos) and then they can destroy the Death Star II (avoiding death blow damage by heavy and light turbolasers
and the hordes of TIE fighters) with the same magically engineered antimatter torpedos.
Don't cry for me, there aren't enough tears in the universe.