How Do You Deal With True Assholes?

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How Do You Deal With True Assholes?

Post by Raoul Duke, Jr. »

How do you deal with someone who is a completely unreasonable, unfeeling, ignorant, arrogant utterly worthless piece of human shit?

(Aside from tag him a VI, that is.)
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Post by Brother-Captain Gaius »

If possible, I just ignore such fuckheads. Unfortunately, it rarely is... :?
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Post by Enforcer Talen »

according to scorched earth, beat them to death with a lead pipe.

I try to avoid them.
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Post by Frank Hipper »

They normaly bury themselves, why risk criminal charges when with patience you can watch them self-destruct.
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Post by DPDarkPrimus »

Online? Roast them until they are smoldering little piles of ashes.

Real life? Ignore them, or, if they are being big enough asses, report them to their superiors, whoever they may be. I've always wanted to take a baseball bat to them, but I've never felt that the jail time would be worth it... yet.
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Post by Sokar »

Kick the stool out from under them , grab their head and slam their jaw into the bar worked for me the last time it happened :twisted:
Asshole broke his jaw, bit off a chunk of his tounge and splintered two molars..... :twisted: :twisted:
Although, I was saved from prosecution for assault only by the grace of being friends with all the other patrons that particular night and the owner who covered for me while I got the hellout of dodge for a bit :D
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Post by Enforcer Talen »

haha. . .what did he do to get that?
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Post by Sokar »

He refered to one of my female friends as a slut, and offered her a dollar to lick his ass 'like a good little whore'. thats when I snapped and goaded him into swinging first. The line that seemed to do it was something about he and his butt-buddies(two co-horts were with him) being late for their jobs 'down at the fudge packing plant' this said in a clear voice in the now quiet bar to an audience of about 20. He had telegraphed the punch badly, curling his fist up a good ten seconds before he threw and after that it was all over, his friends thought I had killed him due to all the blood from his tounge and teeth, and I think were afraid they were next, picked him up and high tailed it to the ER. Dan, the owner, who also knew my pops(my Dad raised a 'bit' of hell in this bar as well :D ) told me to scat and that he'd deal with the cops if they showed up.
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Post by Enforcer Talen »

hehehe. . .now thats amusing. and rather just.
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Post by DPDarkPrimus »

I hope circumstances are as in my favor when I really feel the need to bash some asshole face in. :)
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Post by Crayz9000 »

At the moment? Nothing. Just ignore them.

Preferred? Sabotage is your friend, especially when served cold.
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Post by Sokar »

DPDarkPrimus wrote:I hope circumstances are as in my favor when I really feel the need to bash some asshole face in. :)
It was my home turf, and my friends and I were for the most part third generation patrons at this particular establishment, and old school Serb/Romanian bar in Lake Station ,its not like I do this sort of thing on a regular basis or anything... :wink:
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Post by Hotfoot »

Enforcer Talen wrote:hehehe. . .now thats amusing. and rather just.
Rather just? What the hell is wrong with you? Inflicting grevious bodily harm on someone because he made rude, obnoxious statement? Assholes are assholes, true, but to wish bodily harm on someone for something they SAID is wrong. To INFLICT serious bodily harm on someone is wrong.

Yeah, he threw the first punch. That was his mistake, fine. You can't really make a case for it being self-defense, since Sokar wasn't fearing for his life or the lives of others. He was just looking for an excuse the beat the shit out of the guy. If the guy had pulled a knife or a gun, fine, but a poorly-thrown punch? Maybe if the guy was a pedophile or serial rapist, I'd be more okay with it, but for just being a jerk? I'm sorry, but I don't see how even being an asshole as big as the guy Sokar described deserved the injuries he got, or how it was "just".
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Post by Sokar »

Hey ease up there Hotfoot, I never saids I was particularly proud of this incident, but at the same time NO ONE insults my friends like that and gets away with it, did I intend to do quite that much damage, no. However I don't subscribe to any of that 'honorable fisticuffs' bullshit, you get one chance to hit me and then you go down by any means necessary, period.

He wanted more info on the story, I told him about it. Thats all. This was almost ten years ago when I was far less rational and reasonable than now. Looking back on it I should have just had Dan throw the shit bag out, but at the time kicking his ass won out. If youre offended, to bad, its an incident out of my life, and a VERY isolated incident I might add.
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Post by Hotfoot »

Sokar wrote:Hey ease up there Hotfoot, I never saids I was particularly proud of this incident, but at the same time NO ONE insults my friends like that and gets away with it, did I intend to do quite that much damage, no. However I don't subscribe to any of that 'honorable fisticuffs' bullshit, you get one chance to hit me and then you go down by any means necessary, period.

He wanted more info on the story, I told him about it. Thats all. This was almost ten years ago when I was far less rational and reasonable than now. Looking back on it I should have just had Dan throw the shit bag out, but at the time kicking his ass won out. If youre offended, to bad, its an incident out of my life, and a VERY isolated incident I might add.
The fact that he considered it "rather just" is what bothers me. I can't imagine how he could see beating the shit out of an asshole as being rather just. If you feel remorse for it, fine, that's not exactly what I was talking about, but good. Of course, the way you brought it up makes it seem that you were, in fact, proud of the incident, and are now backpedalling and suggesting otherwise when I challenge the "justness" of it all.

As for honorable fisticuffs, I don't know what you're talking about there. What I'm talking about, however, is justifiable force. If someone attacks you, you are fully within your rights to subdue that person by whatever means you deem necessary at the time. However, what it looks like to me is that you didn't care how much force you used, you just wanted him hurt.

I can understand sticking up for your friends. That's cool. Still, why bother with trash like that? What have you got to gain? What's the point? He's not committing a crime, and he's only showing just how pathetic he really is for the entire world. The only thing he gets out of it is the "respect" of his peers, so they can go and circle-jerk each other when they realize that they don't have half of what you do as a person.
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Post by Sokar »

Hotfoot wrote:The fact that he considered it "rather just" is what bothers me. I can't imagine how he could see beating the shit out of an asshole as being rather just. If you feel remorse for it, fine, that's not exactly what I was talking about, but good. Of course, the way you brought it up makes it seem that you were, in fact, proud of the incident, and are now backpedalling and suggesting otherwise when I challenge the "justness" of it all.

As for honorable fisticuffs, I don't know what you're talking about there. What I'm talking about, however, is justifiable force. If someone attacks you, you are fully within your rights to subdue that person by whatever means you deem necessary at the time. However, what it looks like to me is that you didn't care how much force you used, you just wanted him hurt.

I can understand sticking up for your friends. That's cool. Still, why bother with trash like that? What have you got to gain? What's the point? He's not committing a crime, and he's only showing just how pathetic he really is for the entire world. The only thing he gets out of it is the "respect" of his peers, so they can go and circle-jerk each other when they realize that they don't have half of what you do as a person.
Why bother , at the time it seemed like a good idea, which is how many a tale of tragedy starts. Im not backpedalling at all, it still falls into my folder of ' exciting stories from my youth to tell', and while I'm not ashamed , at the same time I now see the entire incident through the eyes of a far older and more experienced man.
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Post by Slartibartfast »

Give them jobs in the Spaceball Navy?
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Post by aphexmonster »

Assholes feed off of the attention. If you just ignore them and dont let it show that their antics bother you, they'll turn and focus their attention on someone it does.
Give them jobs in the Spaceball Navy?
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Post by Darth Gojira »

Slartibartfast wrote:Give them jobs in the Spaceball Navy?

I KNEW someone would bring that up! It's classic comedy!
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Post by aerius »

Give them a bigger shovel so they can dig their own graves faster. I'm pretty good at figuring out what makes people tick and subtley pushing their buttons until they lose it and spaz out. I'm also pretty good at finding out people's personal info and putting that to good use, like having a gay BDSM magazine suddenly show up in the fucker's mail and signing him up in adult classifieds ads. It usually doesn't take too long to get rid of them that way, but truly stubborn cases may require the use of the "attitude adjustment tool".

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Post by Baron Scarpia »

Condom + lube. Is there any other way?
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Post by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi »

Get revenge. If it can't be done in person (Beating him up or embarrasing him), then I'll do something like find his e-mail adress and sign it up for spam mailing lists, or order snff porn flicks online and tell them to send them to his house.
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Post by Majin Gojira »

Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi wrote:Get revenge.
Revenge is a dish best served with Pinto Beans and MUFFINS!
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Post by DPDarkPrimus »

Baron Scarpia wrote:Condom + lube. Is there any other way?
I'm not into gay sex, and if I run the chance that the bastard might enjoy it. Never do something that they might derive pleasure from.
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Post by Baron Scarpia »

DPDarkPrimus wrote:
Baron Scarpia wrote:Condom + lube. Is there any other way?
I'm not into gay sex, and if I run the chance that the bastard might enjoy it. Never do something that they might derive pleasure from.
You didn't get the pun...
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