Theorticial Evaluation: Lennox's return Phase 1

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Raptor 597
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Theorticial Evaluation: Lennox's return Phase 1

Post by Raptor 597 »


Year: 2040
After 5 years in hiding in the Island Fortress of Hawaii after his appraent failed assisnation. The New World Empire has broken into various factions, and Lennox has gathered his forces ready too fight, after 5 years of the dissidents, traitors, and corruptible advisors have been culled.

Global Situation

Europe: Europe has joined into an EU style goverment minus the exceptions os Spain, Portugal, and Britain. Spain & Portugal witnessing Lennox's subterfuge of the internal corruption and destruction of the EU has remained deep in their minds and refused to join this goverment. Britain has remained stubbornly neutral, building a defense force too counter an invasion from the continent.

Russia: Russia is under the keep of the New World Empire occupation forces following the revitalization of Russia after Lennox's Campaigns. Russia is under the leadership of a New World Empire Governor who was one of Lennox's trusted generals serving on the US Joint Chiefs with him. Though this Governor has become increasingly acceptable too corruption in the past 5 years.

China: China has broken into two factions, the New World Empire's Governor's forces and a Chinses General, Chi'ang. General Chi'ang posses Shain Hai and Hong Kong , and he is steadily pushing the Governor back toards Bejiing.

The Rest of Asia: The rest of Asia is eith neutral such as Korea, Pakistan, and India. The rest of Asia is in deep ethnic war. India's large Navy has kept the peace in the Indian & Western Pacfic Oceans.

Africa: Africa is also neutral. The neutral African nations are appearing too exit the age of famine. And they will do anything too kepp peace & prosperity.

Middle East: Most of the Middle East is now under Israel's yoke following Lebanon and Syria's anhilation. Israel has abdicated it's Muslims too nearby Muslim countries who are too weak too say no, and in part their fundamentalist movement is largely dead. Only Egypyt & Libya could fight Israel in a long term war and that is even doubtful.

South America: South America contains much of the same poltical atmosphere as it was before Lennox came too power. Coumbia has a strong central goverment and is about begin a length anti-drug war. FARQ still contains much of it's power.

North America: The US has broken up into no less then 68 smaller states all of which via for power. Many of these are the Redneck Countries of the South & Central US. Many of these Redneck Alliances have attacked Maryland, trying too claim Washignton as a power too unite the nation. Maryland is the strongest small state nation, acting as a buffer between the Rednecks and the Northeast. The Northeast Alliance is a hiippie and liberal state from Pennsylvania too Maine. It mostly has major exports. Once, Maryland falls the Northeast is only defended by Canadian loaned forces.
The Northeast Alliance ceptible too flucatations in the crack market. An "offical" heir to the log defunct US Goverment has taken the states of Washington & Oregeon and hope too spread the ideals of democracy.

Lennox's Assests

Large Pacific Navy
Spain & Portugal
Louisiana & Texas, crucial oil markets despite the low emission, low fossil fuel using vehicles
Potential too unite the US
New World Empire forces in China
Columbian crack production
Offshore oil
Major Naval Superiority

Defenite enemies
Middle East

Possible opponents or Allies
South America

The best Secnario results will be used for Round 2, note the campaign shall go in stages.
Formerly the artist known as Captain Lennox

"To myself I am only a child playing on the beach, while vast oceans of truth lie undiscovered before me." - Sir Isaac Newton
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