First thing I wanted to address/ask is what's the deal with Methos? I've only seen a select few episodes of the TV series, but why isn't he even a consideration for the prize/a reason why no one could win it? Because he refuses to fight? Does that somehow strip him of his power, because Duncan both in the series and in this movie still seems to regard him as an Immortal (going to him for advice because he's the "oldest living one of us"). How does this stop Kell from looking for him/wanting to kill him? If Kell did, would he get quickened from Methos?
As an aside, I find it ironic that if you tally up the kills that Jacob Kell gets before his death, he reaches exactly 666 kills.

Next thing I wanted to bring up is why Duncan and Conor seem absolute about adhereing to the rules? WTF, guys..the enemies aren't? They're attacking you on holy ground, they're ganging up on you...If Kell's too tough to beat alone, why the hell does one of you have to die? Fight fire with fire...gang up on him in return! (Of course, I mean this from a storyline wise perception...I think it seems rather obvious that the real reason the had to kill off Connor was because Adrian Paul is still young and could forseeably play the character/roll for other possible movies/another series, where as Christopher Lambert is definetly starting to show his age).
My next point: "This move, if done correctly, is unblockable." So what, did Connor purposely botch it after doing the setup and doing the whole "Good bye, Duncan" if to imply that Duncan was going to die? Or did Duncan find some deus ex machina way to counter/block the 1337 move?
On that note, I love how Duncan tries the move on Kell, and Kell totally no-sells him by having an extra weapon. I think it would have been kewl if Duncan got him back in the setup again, and was sucessful for the kill...and not that "I will jump over you, and you will turn to look at me. Suddenly, I'm shown behind you, and I've killed you and kicked you over the landing!" WTF, was this D2? Did Kell lag, and Duncan Leap Attack back over him to kill him?
Speaking of utter jobbing, my next point...Why is it that the honorable villian dude, Jin Ka or whatever, was the only one who attempted to resist Kell? He reached for his sword, but then Kell jumped up and took him out. Those other n00bs just sat there.
This leads me into my final point. Why did Kell spare Kate? All movie long, he's playing the ultimate villian character. He has some moral high ground (although it's a bit blurry and shady if you ask me), he's leveled himself up real nice, and he's even got the ridiculously good dramatic fight dialogue/mind fuck going on. So why spare Kate? It seems out of character...I think it would have been better if Kell had tortured Duncan with the idea that inorder to defeat him, he'd have to kill Kate again (being that her essence was inside Kell). It just seemed like the utter deus ex machina ending. "Oh. I didn't die. He just cut my necklace and pretended I did." Utter cheese.
So please, throw in any comments, questions, or answers to my questions of your own.