Hmm lets see...
trilithium torps
Useless, There are FIGHTER mounted multi-gigaton weaponry already, intresting the way an Flintlock rifle is intresting to a modern Gunsmith
phase cloaks
They would probably want these however its Lost Tech, Short of Section 31 having a full blueprint squirled away they can't get this
replicators (for replicating bacta)
They have replicators they are called Duplicators, however they don't have them as small and portable as ST does, though THIERS are 100% spot on while ST has 99.998% spot on
OAN-They can't dupe bacta now because it is a semi-living orignaism that still requires a Thyfeddrean Vecthc in direct superivison no matter who makes it, it still needs one of them, Considering SW Tech, one could probably safly say the making of the miarucle cure bacta has somthing VERY funky about it that they have no reped it already
transporters (for cargo/droids only)
Considering thier hulls it would taken a transport resign before you saw any of these in action,, However they would be perfect for Plantside ops and droid assult craft
and holodecks (for training, as well as some, ummmmmm, recreation)
They HAVE Holo-tech, However they don't have it in the Quality that ST does, Yes I see them being intrested in this