Alright, alright. Sorry. In the poll I pt up this afternoon I made the erroneous assumption that everyone loved FF7 best. I was immediately told that I was wrong and stupid to think so. And so, if you have tolerance for another poll, do tell: what is the BEST FF game?
Poll fix0red. ~Dalton
The wisdom of PA:
-Normal Person + Anonymity + Audience = Total Fuckwad
'After 9/11, it was "You're with us or your with the terrorists." Now its "You're with Straha or you support racism."' ' - The Romulan Republic
'You're a bully putting on an air of civility while saying that everything western and/or capitalistic must be bad, and a lot of other posters (loomer, Stas Bush, Gandalf) are also going along with it for their own personal reasons (Stas in particular is looking through rose colored glasses)' - Darth Yan
“There are two kinds of people in the world: the kind who think it’s perfectly reasonable to strip-search a 13-year-old girl suspected of bringing ibuprofen to school, and the kind who think those people should be kept as far away from children as possible … Sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference between drug warriors and child molesters.” - Jacob Sullum[/size][/align]
Although, and I will probably be lambasted, sued, an hunted down for this, I really enjoyed FFX-2. In fact, it was good enough to revitalise my interest in a series I hadn't dreamed of picking back up in six months or so. It has the best balanced ATB system (ie just hectic enough to disguise the fact that it is actually turn based, and actualy trying to hark back to FFI concepts like ineffective attacks/abilities against newly dead monsters), disguises the linear nature of the form quite well, and makes Yuna attractive (which, frankly, was a job and a half).
Plus it's as close to a fusion of Charlie's Angels and FF as you're ever going to see.
Eight was my favorite of those listed. I thought the general design of the characters and world was the most interesting, and it had a relatively good battle system as well. FFXI is my favorite of them all, though...
yeah, I didnt include XI because of its MMO nature. And sorry if X-2 didnt show up. I meant to put that in, but it didn't come through. If you liked X-2, dont vote, just post!
The wisdom of PA:
-Normal Person + Anonymity + Audience = Total Fuckwad
There are also many other rbight points, but really, that's all you need.
"How can I wait unknowing?
This is the price of war,
We rise with noble intentions,
And we risk all that is pure..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, Forever (Rome: Total War)
"On and on, through the years,
The war continues on..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, We Are All One (Medieval 2: Total War)
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear." - Ambrose Redmoon
"You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain." - Harvey Dent, The Dark Knight
Although I love FFX's dark, brooding and apocalyptic style, Tidus is too much of a whiny bitch. I vote FF6, which had the same dark, brooding style but without annoying voice actors. Plus, it had Cyan and Sabin, who are simply fucking badass (Although Auron is way up there in the badass department).
I have copies of FF 7, 8 and 9 but haven't played much of 7 and none of 8 or 9 (TA, GR!).
Though it's been ages since I last played it, FF6 remains my favourite among Final Fantasy games, though I actually prefer Chrono Trigger above them all.
And in this poll, unlike the last time I saw the same thing at GameFaqs, I almost but didn't actually vote for FF7 by accident. Damned Roman Numerals!
"I would, for instance, fellate a smurf before I pick death." Dylan Moran
"Only two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe." Albert Einstein EBC's Devonian Deviant | GALE's Supplementary Bi Brit | BoTM's Raw Recruit | GDC's Horny Delphinidae | I'm with RMA | CoIB
Vi no contest whatsoever. Fromt he storyline to the music it is by far the best FF game. VIII would be my next choice because of the character designs.
It startled him even more when just after he was awarded the Galactic Institute's Prize for Extreme Cleverness he got lynched by a rampaging mob of respectable physicists who had finally realized that the one thing they really couldn't stand was a smart ass. - The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy
In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move. - Douglas Adams
rather torn between VI and IV. while i enjoyed 7, its story just wasn't as good, and the ending rather left me unfulfilled. of course none of these can top chrono trigger.
"It's you Americans. There's something about nipples you hate. If this were Germany, we'd be romping around naked on the stage here."
"Stop! No one can survive these deadly rays!"
"These deadly rays will be your death!"
- Thor and Akton, Starcrash
"Before man reaches the moon your mail will be delivered within hours from New York to California, to England, to India or to Australia by guided missiles.... We stand on the threshold of rocket mail."
- Arthur Summerfield, US Postmaster General 1953 - 1961
bah. mystic quest wasn't a real final fantasy game. it was a bastardized RPG that just had the FF tag slapped onto it.
I've watched my sister play FF:MQ. It was designed for eight-year-olds. Man, that game was an insult to our intelligence
i recall reading in various gaming magazines it was purposely dumbed down for american audiences. they felt us gaijin just wouldn't get the concept behind the series.
"It's you Americans. There's something about nipples you hate. If this were Germany, we'd be romping around naked on the stage here."
Darth_Zod wrote:
bah. mystic quest wasn't a real final fantasy game. it was a bastardized RPG that just had the FF tag slapped onto it.
I've watched my sister play FF:MQ. It was designed for eight-year-olds. Man, that game was an insult to our intelligence
i recall reading in various gaming magazines it was purposely dumbed down for american audiences. they felt us gaijin just wouldn't get the concept behind the series.
I heard that in Japan it was called FF: American Version or something.
To Absent Friends
Dalton | Admin Smash | Knight of the Order of SDN
"y = mx + bro" - Surlethe
"You try THAT shit again, kid, and I will mod you. I will
mod you so hard, you'll wish I were Dalton." - Lagmonster