Well when I'm upgrading I usually directly go for the best item available, since when I do that I don't need to upgrade again for a long time. These kinds of cards will always come in handy. And I'd like to have one of the fastest Win98 PCs, just for fun. I've already managed to get the fastest 486 so, just need more L2 Cache...
*Digs up specs*
AMD 4x86-P75-S 133@160 MHz
16kB L1 Writeback Cache
Asus PVI-486 SP3 (AT format) Mainboard
256kB L2 Cache, mode
Chipset SIS 496/497NU, Version 2B
Bios AWARD 4.51 PnP
ANSI-ATA-4 (PIO mode 4)
2x64MB Fast-Page 60nS RAM
1x Maxtor Diamondmax+ 2500 7.5 GB UDMA/33 7200RPM, 9mS, 512kB SDRAM Buffer
1x Maxtor 740 80GB 7200RPM Harddisk IDE 133, single partition
Matrox Millenium PCI G200 @90MHz 8MB SDRAM, 250MHz RamDac
Voodoo 2 Fx PCI @90MHz 12MB SDRAM (two videocards that are linked)
Philips PCA 363 UDMA/33 ATAPI/EIDE, 512kB Cache
Windows 98SE version 4.10.2222 A
(with MSDOS version 7.10 A)
Philips 105 B SVGA 15" (With built-in Speakers)
85Hz, 2x 0.4 Watt
Chicony Keyboard (Win 101)
Logitech PS2 Optical Wheelmouse
Philips PCA 750 PS ISA Soundcard
3D 16 bits SB Comp
Philips MMS 110 2x 2 Watt Speakers
Stubborn as ever - Let's hope it pays off this time.