Quackery and a Professional Warning

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Quackery and a Professional Warning

Post by ukamikazu »

To those of you looking for work or who are going to join the workforce after graduation, beware of services such as Resume Blaster or anything similar that offer to send your resume to countless recruiters because you might end up being on the radar of this:

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Received: from s1read2.nuskin.com ([])
          by rwcrmxc11.comcast.net (rwcrmxc11) with ESMTP
          id <20040709035710r11008lbhhe>; Fri, 9 Jul 2004 03:57:10 +0000
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 2003)) with ESMTPA id <0I0K00CX5GB9ZA@s1read2.nuskin.com> for
 xxxxx@xxxxx.xxx; Thu, 08 Jul 2004 21:57:10 -0600 (MDT)
 Date: Thu, 08 Jul 2004 21:57:08 -0600
 From: Stephen Richards <stephenr@mypharmanex.com>
 Subject: www.mojolin.com Resume
 To: xxxxx@xxxxx.xxx
 Message-id: <005201c46568$cec4baa0$6401a8c0@IBMC8D096FAE9C>
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Your resume on www.mojolin.com is very impressive.  You would certainly
fit right in with our organization. 
Our organization markets an amazing new biomedical scanner.  This
scanner, developed at the University of Utah's esteemed Center for
Biomedical Optics, detects the absorption of key nutrients into live
human tissue by merely scanning an individuals hand with a low powered
laser light.  
For years the $20 Billion supplement industry's market has been asking:
"Which nutritional supplements are actually absorbed and used by my
body?"  With our technology, those customers can finally have their
answer. For more information, please see the online video and news clips
on our marketing site: www.gotyournumber.com
We are looking for a few individuals to help rollout these new
biomedical scanners.  The compensation for marketing this new technology
will be very substantial.  Currently, scanners that have been in place
for about a year are paying out about $1,000-$2,000 a month EACH in
overrides from supplements sold to those who assisted in the placement. 
We are looking to place 500-1,000 of these devices in your area within
the next 3-5 years. 
Stephen Richards
Pharmanex Executive
Can you recognize disruptive technology when you see it, and take action
on it?
Great! So now I risk being harassed by quacks, pyramid scammers and who knows what else, and this isn't the first time it has happened either.
Also, the service I mentioned, doesn't do a very professional delivery at all.

This also forces another issue within me: Do I know engage, as I have many times in the past, with this new facet of a very old archnemesis? Do I have a moral obligation write the editor, call the FTC, FDA, do a write up for Quackwatch.org and perhaps a forward to the JREF and print out pamphlets, etc, etc?

I'm so tired and this so tiring. It doesn't even offer sport to me anymore. Would I be any more or less responsible if I just deleted this?

I'm starting to miss the good old fashioned, random chance spam that was fun because of the lurid content and the occaisional psychotic prose.

I also have no idea why this message even triggered the emotional response it did unlike the thousand others I numbly sent to /dev/null and abuse@comcast.net.

Note: The xxxxx@xxxxx.xxx in the headers was my e-mail address and while I trust you noble Flame Warriors with my personal information (I've nothing to hide), I'd rather just not be bothered by bots and the like.
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