Yu-Gi-Oh / Batman - The Shadow Games

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Yu-Gi-Oh / Batman - The Shadow Games

Post by DarkSilver »


My first real attempt at a cross-over fic...I'm not the best writer, and I'm gladly open to any constructive criticism, any pointers, etc etc.

With that said...well..enjoy I suppose.


The Shadow Games
A "Yu-Gi-Oh" / "Batman" Crossover

Yu Gi Oh is owned by Kazuki Takashi and Konomi. All Rights Reserved.
Batman and all DC Characters are owned and copyrighted Detective Comics (DC) All Rights Reserved
This fiction is not meant to impinge upon those copyrights, or upon those universes.

Legend has it five thousand years ago, ancient Egyptian Pharaohs used to play a magical game. This ancient game involved magical ceremonies, which were used to foresee the future and ultimately, decide one's destiny. They called it the Shadow Game.

The power of these ancient Pharaoh, and the summoning of the many creatures used within the Shadow Game, left the world in the brink of destruction. It was then, a young boy, newly risen to Pharaoh, sealed away the power of the Shadow Game in seven mystical items, and buried them beneath the ever shifting sands. Locked away for all Eternity…

Or so it was believed….

Chapter One
Coming of the Darkness

The moon was just beginning to rise over the glass and metal spires of Gotham. Slivers of the pale light set aflame the shining glass in the uppermost levels of the towers. It was from one such vantage point, he crouched. He waited, letting the moon slowly rise, appreciating it, as he did every night.

Only this night, he couldn’t give it the fullness of his attention. Tonight, he wasn’t the Batman, defender of Gotham. No, tonight he was Bruce Wayne, billionaire playboy and philanthropist. And tonight, he had a beautiful woman on his arm, and a charity ball to attend to.

After having attended hundreds of these, Bruce knew how to act, the right amount of charm, guile, and detachment from his surroundings. The detachment was the easy part, as far as he was concerned. Bruce would have much preferred not being here. He would rather be within the Cave, his home, with his bats, or out on patrol. Anywhere but this agonizingly boring event.

But he had an image to maintain, and maintain it he did. After all, people would begin to ask questions if Bruce Wayne never showed himself at night. Besides, he could begrudge one night to the social elites, especially since Robin was on patrol.

-- -- -- --

The alarms rang out as the glass shattered, the three men in gray suits moved quickly, filling sacks with jewels from the display cases, heavy hands and crowbars broke whatever stood in their way. The jewels where not they’re primary target. Something far more valuable lay inside the jewelry store, and the Scarecrow had come to claim it.

The Scarecrow, one of Batman’s oddest opponents, stepped through the shattered window, scythe in hand. Once, long ago, he was a scientist, a brilliant man who studied the human mind. He discovered how to induce uncontrollable fear in those he wished, and how to take fear from them. His costume was designed to take advantage of human fear, fitting his lanky, skinny form. Most who looked upon him, even before getting a dose of his “fear gas” trembled before the horrific, twisted Scarecrow before them. Many times he and the Dark Knight had clashed, and each time he had lost. It would not be a repeat he swore.

“Bring the charge,” his voiced rasped out, barely above a whisper.

Behind him, two men carried a heavy wooden crate, the top fitted neatly, with the exception of a few bits of straw. As quickly as they could, the two bulky goons carried the crate next to the vault, setting it down carefully.

“Blast it.”

The words where in their ears as one nodded, cracking off the lid, revealing the metallic disc within. Carefully, the two lifted the heavy three-foot diameter disc, fitting it upon the steel doors. Two appendages snaked out, clamping themselves down automatically as the disc attached to the door with a loud clunk.

“Thirty seconds Boss,” the goon spoke, as they began to clear out.

‘Thirty seconds, and it’ll be mines’

The explosion blew a cloud of debris through the storefront, flames shooting up quickly. The men cowered behind the Scarecrow, as the Master of Fear moved through the destruction, the vault door was gone, blown away by the military explosive. Scarecrow grinned to himself, the heavy deformed mask he wore following, his scythe swung out, clearing any loose debris before him. As he neared the vault door, he saw the object of his desire.

A specter, a simple golden rod; a meter long, on the uppermost end was a golden orb, with an hours eye affixed, and two small wings. Scarecrow’s hands curled around the object, his voice ever soft, almost worshiping as he spoke its name, “The Millennium Rod”

A low, hoarse laugh erupted from his lips, as he moved out the vault, sidestepping a chunk of falling roof, the flames still consuming it. The jewelry shop would be gone by the time the police arrived, beyond salvaging. He could already hear the sirens approaching,

“Time to get going…”

Few things surprised the Scarecrow, but the site before him did. All five of his men laid sprawled on the ground, their eyes open wide, but unseeing. In the middle of them, stood a man, no, a boy actually, looked to be no more than 15 or 16 years old. His hair, while thick and messy, was completely white, and when Scarecrow looked at his face, it held no innocence, but rather a darkness the Scarecrow had seen matched in few others. Around his neck, he wore a large golden ring, several spires hanging from it.

“I’ll take that” the boy spoke, his voice hard and low.

“I don’t think so kid”

“I’m afraid I must insist, Dr Crane…”

The Scarecrow stopped as he looked at the boy before him, eyes narrowing, “I’m the Scarecrow”

The boy shook his head, a predatory gleam coming to his eyes, watching the Scarecrow, even as he approached. “Actually, your Dr Jonathan Crane, former professor at Gotham University, specializing in Psychology. Fired, and then became the Scarecrow…”

Crane growled as he brought the heavy scythe at the young man, the blade gleaming in the firelight.

“I’m the Scarecrow now! Crane is dead!”

The white haired boy sidestepped the blow, as if it was nothing to him. “Temper, temper my good doctor…” the boy spoke, the smile on his face matching the look in his eyes, “I want that object you liberated from the vault…and I will have it.”

The boy’s head lowered, his eyes fixated upon the Scarecrow. Jonathan Crane glared at the boy, wanting to leave as the police sirens drew closer.

“Why don’t we play a game.”

-- -- -- --

Police Commissioner Jim Gordon had never seen anything like this. In all the years he had been a police officer with Gotham PD, in all the time of being commissioner of that same august body, did he ever remember seeing what he saw now.

Not even when He started prowling the night.

Gordon shook his head slowly, even as he felt the presence behind him. He never heard a sound when the Batman arrived; he just knew he was there. After all these years, Jim Gorgon was no closer to figuring out how he did it.

“What happened Jim”?

Gordon didn’t even turn around as he spoke, moving towards the scene, he had wanted the crime scene preserved for the most part, the bodies had been taken to the morgue, and those who were still alive, was in the police wagon, waiting to be taken to Arkham Asylum.

Batman narrowed his eyes as Jim Gordon told him what had occurred, “Apparently Batman, Scarecrow and his men broke into this jewelry store last night, blew the vault. When we got here, we found the Scarecrow and his boys laid out. Only Scarecrow was still alive.”

Batman’s eyes narrowed as he approached the scene, the chalk outlines showed where the thugs bodies had been found, awkward positions, and two even looked as if they where sliced in two. Blood was everywhere, what hadn’t run off when the water running from the building, the Gotham Fire Department was still attempting to put down the blaze.

‘Just great…I was pulled from a boring charity event, and into a multiple homicide’

The Dark Knight shook his head as he glanced about, examining the scene of the crime, looking for any clues, which the Gotham Police may have missed at first glance.

He saw nothing.

“Did your men find anything Jim?” came Batman’s gruff voice, wanting to know,

“Just the Scarecrow’s scythe, it was covered in blood. Don’t know if it was used to kill his men with, but we’ll find out. Run DNA and fingerprints on it. I don’t know what they did to Crane, but he’s out of it….Keeps mumbling on about the shadows or some such..”

Gordon’s voice drowned out as Batman listened, his attention drawn away, the hairs on the back of his neck rising. He turned slightly, eyes narrowed as he looked about for the source of the feeling.

The white haired boy chuckled to himself, his fingers wrapping around the Millennium Rod, as he watched the Batman from a alley across the street. He expected the Dark Knight to make an appearance. He turned and walked down the dark alley, grinning, he would get many a chance to see the Dark Knight soon.

After all, the game was just beginning.
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Post by LadyTevar »

Not bad... not bad...
Nitram, slightly high on cough syrup: Do you know you're beautiful?
Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.

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Post by Shroom Man 777 »

Rather good, even though I absolutely detest Yu-gi-oh. Have Batman kick their asses, ALL of them!
Image "DO YOU WORSHIP HOMOSEXUALS?" - Curtis Saxton (source)
shroom is a lovely boy and i wont hear a bad word against him - LUSY-CHAN!
Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people :D - PeZook
Shroom, I read out the stuff you write about us. You are an endless supply of morale down here. :p - an OWS street medic
Pink Sugar Heart Attack!
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