Ghost Rider wrote:
True, but there's my BB gun on a M1A1 Abram battle tank example.
Gotcha...because you know exactly that eyes tell yield and not scaling and realizing the other material is not steel.
Oh, come on. Are you seriously going to tell me those explosions are anything we'd rationally expect from weaponry even in the kiloton range? There's fireballs (indicating atmosphere to feed it), but there's no atmospheric pressure wave one would expect from high yield explosions.
And again, these ships can withstand attacks by gigaton/teraton yields, right? So why would such vastly inferior yields be fired, or be expected to have virtually
any effect?
At this, I should look at FC and go "That was it?..."
*sigh* Any reason you're bringing up Star Trek in the PSW forum?
You grasp not shoving foot into mouth?
Come on...the
medium guns on a assault transport yield at least 200 gigatons, with HTL turrets ranging in teratons, correct? Correct me if I'm wrong, but "light" guns should be at least several hundred megatons in yield?
And why the heck would these weapons be
dialed down in a full combat situation where the objective is to destroy the enemy as quickly as possible?
As I replied to Chris, I assumed there was enough visual evidence to work with.
As to your "scaling" complaint, I was under the impression an individual can suggest a fire cracker explosion is not quite a megaton yield explosion without having to "prove it" with mathematical calculations.
Right, because SIZE doesn't matter.
Strange, I was under the impression fireballs and effects of weapons was very telling of their power.
Thank you for proving again how little goes in your head when you open your mouth.
I'm not really interested in getting into a flamefest with you GR. If you really take offense to my questions, by all means continue with the insults and I'll take that as a "Not interested in discussing said topic with you in any productive manner" and I'll ignore you accordingly.
I'm interested in civilized discussion about a particular topic, not getting flamed by those who've taken a personal dislike to me.