My new Super 8mm Setup

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Jedi Knight
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My new Super 8mm Setup

Post by Dangermouse »

I decided to post this here since it has photos, is somewhat art related, and I have a few questions for the artistic members of SDN. :)

This past weekend, I lucked out at a yardsale and bought a Super 8mm camera setup to go with my Super 8mm Chinon projector. The film camera is a Canon 814 Electronic and seems to work great so far. While these photos are not images of the actual one I bought at the yard sale, they should give you a good idea of what the camera looks like:

Camera View 1

Camera View 2

Camera View 3

I haven't shot with it yet but so far everything seems to work great. The lens and gate seem pretty clean and the automatic light meter seems to work as well. What I really like about the camera are its manual features. You can manually control the aperature and choose any fstop which is harder to find on the automatic light meter cameras. I also like the fact that you can shoot at 18, 24 and 30 fps.

The film is loaded in the back end of the camera and has a red screw for removing the daylight filter near the top.

Luckily, there is still a camera store where I live that sells the Kodachrome and Plus/Tri-X film stock. Since I can't really afford a digital non-video setup right now, I will have to do all of my editing manually which means I lose out on the sound angle.

Has anyone else here shot with a Super 8mm camera? If so, do you have any recommendations for who to go to for processing or tips in general?
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