Ted C wrote:I Eps 1 and 2 over the July 4th weekend, and Anakin said something potentially revealing in AOTC.
While complimenting Obi-Wan to Padme, he said something to the effect...
He's as powerful as Master Windu and as wise as Master Yoda.
There's an implication in his statement that Master Windu is generally considered the most powerful member of the Jedi Order.
If, as Anakin said, Obi-Wan was as wise as Yoda and as powerful as Windu, would that not make Obi-Wan the top dog in the Order--the best of both worlds?
That's demonstratably false (Obi-Wan v. Dooku, round 1 or 2), so perhaps Anakin only means to underscore Obi-Wan's well-roundedness. The Windu and Yoda equivalence could summarily be dismissed as hyperbole.
So, if we didn't dismiss the statement as total garbage (which wouldn't be all
that terrible: Anakin is prone to spouting nonsense; e.g., his assertion that he already rivalled Yoda's lightsaber skills), we're still left with the notion of Windu as most powerful.
However, that doesn't really mesh with other things we hear. For instance, Palpatine told Anakin: "In time, I see you becoming the greatest of all Jedi--even more powerful than Master Yoda."
That needs no explanation. Palpatine's a liar, but he's a skilled liar. To mention Yoda thusly at least indicates he is
publically regarded as the Order's most powerful member.
More interesting still is what we learn in behind-the-scenes commentary (AOTC's? Brian would know). I should remember the fellow's name, but I can't

This is what he looks like:
Whoever the guy is, he was involved in the prequels' production. He said:
The Nameless Dude said, not wrote:
"We've not seen Mace fight yet, and we know that he's second only to Yoda."
In the same feature, Samuel L. adds something to the effect that his character is "supposed to be the second-baddest dude in the universe" (or the like).