That's right, after some downtime, the server has finally been converted over, and I'd like to apologize for the inconvenience.
Here's the new address (which is always in my sig btw):
You can also view the status anytime at:
Thanks to RazorAce and EscapedTurkey for getting this back up!
Now back to the killing spree...
Meatgrinder is back! (Jedi Academy server)
Moderator: Thanas
Meatgrinder is back! (Jedi Academy server)
fun/fantasy movies existed before the overrated Star Wars came out. What made it seem 'less dark' was the sheer goofy aspect of it: two robots modeled on Laurel & Hardy, and a smartass outlaw with bigfoot co-pilot and their hotrod pizza-shaped ship, and they were sucked aboard a giant Disco Ball. -adw1
Someone asked me yesterday if Dracula met Saruman and there was a fight, who would win. I just looked at this man. What an idiotic thing to say. I mean really, it was half-witted. - Christopher Lee
JKA Server 2024
Someone asked me yesterday if Dracula met Saruman and there was a fight, who would win. I just looked at this man. What an idiotic thing to say. I mean really, it was half-witted. - Christopher Lee
JKA Server 2024