1- Pixel scaling as Brian Young uses it, is flawed and therefore unreliable for analysis and/or scaling.
2 - The only "reliable" scaling methods come from the "approved" B5 Size charts provided by Tim Earls.
3 - Anyone using Brian Young's methodology is likewise using a flawed method.
That's just a rough summary, but its been incredibly convoluted and downright ridiculous. He's cited a "friend" as a source for reasons WHY its wrong (even though we hear all this secondhand, and the "friend" won't participate in debates), he's done endless "cut and paste proofs" that supposedly support his position, etc.
Largely what this has devolved into is yet another "visuals are fucked up and we should listen to something other than what we see" argument.
Recently, he's cropped up again:
http://kier.3dfrontier.com/forums/showt ... adid=41639
Supposedly, this is supposed to prove Brian is wrong.
Date: 25 Apr 1997 14:11:12 -0400
Lines: 38
Over the last couple of months I've been trying to determine the dimensions
of various ships featured in the series, and I must say that, although I
very much appreciate the scientific accuracy portrayed in this show, it
isn't easy. I'll give you a few examples:
1. Hyperion. In the scene where the Hyperion and B5 are scanned by the alien
ship, it seems as if the Hyperion changes size from one shot to the other.
In the first shot, it's about 1/5th as long as B5, or about a mile. In the
second, it's only as long as the front section of the station, or about 300
meters. Foreshortening can't be the problem here, as the first shot is from
the alien ship's point of view, and the second looks at these two from the
other side of the station, meaning that if in the first one it was closer to
the camera, it must be further away in the second.
2. Minbari War Cruiser. Although the length of the Minbari War Cruiser is as
300 meters in the Babylon 5 Screen Saver, there are scenes which show them
far behind the station and still several times longer than the front section
of the station (c. 270 meters). Of course, there could be several different
sizes, but these have *exactly* the same proportions (guns and everything)
as the others.
3. White Star. This one changes size sometimes as well. In "Shadow Dancing",
just before it makes the jump into hyperspace, we can see it alongside B5.
It's about half the size of the front section, or about 130 meters. This is
consistent with several other lines of evidence, but there are several
scenes in previous episodes where it seems to be several times longer.
Question: do you change the scale of ships in order to make them visible?
Please tell me that all this is just a case of my distorted perception of
foreshortening. And to all RPG owners, if you have the real specs, I'd
very much appreciate if you could please send them to me. Thank you.
Date: 25 Apr 1997 17:53:36 -0400
Lines: 17
Actually, we never change the size of the ships. (Okay, before you start
furiously typing...) The lenses that we use change often, and
depending on the style of lens selected, the ships may appear closer or
farther away from another object. This makes things confusing for
sure. Add to that that the relative distance between two objects may be
compressed to allow for better screen composition, and we may start to
explain what you are realizing. The hardware of B5 is a bit "undefined"
from a tech point of view. This will be remedied in upcoming
George Johnsen
CoProducer, B5
that coupled with this comment from JMS
costume designs, sets, CGI, prosthetics...I generally deal with all of
that, with John Copeland. John handles a fair amount of this stuff as
well, but if there's any kind of decision that needs to be made, to
finalize stuff, it comes to me. -jms
i should have found this earlier to validate my tim earls debate and the falacy of measuring pixles on-screen since tim as well as george worked for JMS
So, I put it to you folks - Is mughi right, or are Brian's methods sound?
Recently, he's also taken to claim he's in "discussion" with Brian:
http://kier.3dfrontier.com/forums/showt ... adid=41769
<I should note that having engaged the moron myself - and no, I feel no compunction about insulting him, he's proven to be little more than a dishonest troll no better than Adarx - that he's obviously demonstrating a tremendous grudge against Babtech and Brian in particular. This is yet further proof of just how much some B5 fanatics "hate" Brian and Babtech for popping their delusions - I guess its not only Mike and Curtis who get reviled and smeared, eh?>