What do you think of this comment that this individual has said? Is he talking sense, or is talking total BS? And since when is being left-handed merely a "disposition"?R.M. Schultz wrote: Before you even begin to think about this, throw out all notions of “Gay” and “Straight” because these are mere Bourgeois proprieties that will only complicate the issue. The current agitprop of the “Gay Community” would have us believe that “Gay” is something innate (like blue eyes) when in fact it is more a matter that ranges from disposition (like left-handedness) to circumstance and experience (like a taste for curry) that becomes a matter of mere preference.
The real matter at issue here is dominance, a matter of “Top” and “Bottom.” About 15 to 20% of persons are naturally dominant, while only one in twenty is an actual leader. A person’s sexuality is fixed in inverse proportion to their dominance. Thus, a passive personality type is likely to conceive of themselves as being “born” gay or straight, as this is a matter of disposition and they will lack the will to chose their sexuality. Conversely, a dominant type is more likely to put on and take off sexual roles as the situation demands, a matter of preference. In heterosexual relationships the Top role ordinarily falls to the male (since even between matched men and women the man enjoys a certain natural aggressiveness that gives him enough of an edge to hold this role) and if it does not, then the relationship usually becomes dysfunctional in some way. In homosexual relationships, if there is a naturally dominant person, then he takes that role, if there is a difference in the power relationship (age, size, social position) then this might influence who takes this role, and if there is no natural dominance then there is usually a tacit agreement to alternate this role (the role of Top being undesirable if you are naturally passive). As Tops are out-numbered by Bottoms by about five-to-one, a Top can pretty much write his own ticket in the Gay world.
I always got the impression that most homosexuals were born gay anyway and their orientation is often not down to pure choice (although some people growing up in certain single-sex enviroments seem to "turn" gay - like in youth prisons or boarding schools).