Pondering a new PC...

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Pondering a new PC...

Post by Sothis »

Well, the old girl I'm using right now is 2 years old, and has served me well. Certainly she won't go when the new one arrives- well, she might, as I might savage her for spare parts.

I'll probably upgrade within the next six months- not looking for anything fancy, preferably no more than £1000. Doesn't have to be top of the range, just needs to be between 800-1200Mhz more powerful than a 1Ghz.

A decent vid card and at least 512mb RAM as well.

Any suggestions of retailers, parts, etc?
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Re: Pondering a new PC...

Post by Slartibartfast »

Sothis wrote:Well, the old girl I'm using right now is 2 years old, and has served me well. Certainly she won't go when the new one arrives- well, she might, as I might savage her for spare parts.

I'll probably upgrade within the next six months- not looking for anything fancy, preferably no more than £1000. Doesn't have to be top of the range, just needs to be between 800-1200Mhz more powerful than a 1Ghz.

A decent vid card and at least 512mb RAM as well.

Any suggestions of retailers, parts, etc?
It would have made more sense to say "speeds in the range of 1.8-2.2 ghz"
I recently bought a 1.6ghz because it was cheap, but I buy the parts separate and put it together. All I have access is to intel stuff though (no AMD for me)
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Post by Mr Bean »

Need to know a few more things

Prefence for Proccess Type(IE AMD or INTEL ok? or just one)
ATI or Nvidia? At your price range the Radeon 9000 looks perfect but some people here ATI and start rolling on the floor foaming at the mouth(always makes me laugh for some reason)

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Post by Dalton »

Mr Bean wrote:Need to know a few more things

Prefence for Proccess Type(IE AMD or INTEL ok? or just one)
ATI or Nvidia? At your price range the Radeon 9000 looks perfect but some people here ATI and start rolling on the floor foaming at the mouth(always makes me laugh for some reason)
I have an ATI Radeon 8500LE, no problems with it at all.
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Post by Sothis »

Well, my prefrence to to AMD, but Intel is acceptable too.

OS is a pain, I'd rather go back to win98 or keep Win ME than go to XP at this stage, but that doesn't seem to be an option when buying.

Make of vid card- I'm easy on that :)
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Post by Vertigo1 »

Hmm, I don't have exact figures on how this'll translate into pounds, so please forgive me for using USD.

Asus A7N8X
(supports upto XP2800, Throughbread ready. supports 200 - 333MHz FSB. 3x DDR-RAM slots (PC2100 - 3200) 2x ATA133, 2x S-ATA w/raid 0/1, onboard 6.1 channel audio, onboard 3com Ethernet controller, onboard USB 2.0 (6 ports) and Firewire.) - $153

AMD XP1800+ 266MHz FSB(retail)
3-year warranty + stock heatsink&fan
- $79

256MB Infineon PC2100 DDR-RAM
- $75 for one stick, $150 for two (I chose Infineon because it performs above and beyond its rating and keeps ticking like it was running at stock speeds.)

ASUS V9280TD Geforce4 Ti4200 64MB 128 bit AGP 8X TV-OUT & DVI RETAIL - $137

Total comes out to $519 USD, w/o shipping of course. source
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