Favorite Thread Quotes(Part II)

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Favorite Thread Quotes(Part II)

Post by SAMAS »

Same as last time, only this time, in other message boards.

Two of my favorites are from a thread on Portent.net about a Forge World VDR Baal Predator with four assault cannons(turret, 2 Sponsoons, and hull).
4 Twin Linked Assault Cannon in 2nd Edition....keep away from me you evil whore!
And another was a response to someone else's post:
Originally posted by Jericho
The chin mounted ass cannons is really attractive.
I can't believe you got away with saying chin, ass and attractive in the same sentence
Not an armored Jigglypuff

"I salute your genetic superiority, now Get off my planet!!" -- Adam Stiener, 1st Somerset Strikers
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Post by Lagmonster »

``Turn off your targeting computer, Luke. Software sucks. Hardware sucks. You have a better chance of making this shot by guessing.'' -- Rodger Donaldson

[Re: Anakin building C3PO out of spare parts for free]

What I wanna know is where he got the language databases for the over six million forms of communication. Building a droid doesn't look too hard, based on evidence. Populating that droid with knowledge that is likely exceedingly expensive is not a walk in the park. -- Eric The Read

"alt.binaries.warez.protocol-droids.c3" This also explains what tempted him to his first steps toward the dark side. It's only a very short step from that to Palpatine seeing a post along the lines of: "CA|\| NE1 0N Th]5 BB0ARD T3Ll M3 H0w 2 GeT KeWL S]Th P0WeRZ!?!?!?!??!?" The rest is, well, a couple more overly-hyped ILM graphics demos. -- henke

That's why there's no toilets on the Enterprise. They just beam it straight into the mass tanks from your body, much more efficient. -- Peter da Silva

This gives new insight into why the engineering crew works so hard to get the system back online when the transporters go down. -- Ansel

I'm an apatheist. The question is no longer interesting, and the answer no longer matters. --petro

[...] and the French an excuse to use their traditional battle cry. --Firebeard

"We Surrender, here, have my daughter."? -- Paul Tomblin

We aim to please. Ourselves, mostly, but we do aim to please. --Anthony DeBoer
Note: I'm semi-retired from the board, so if you need something, please be patient.
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