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Feil made a desktop image

Posted: 2008-10-21 12:59am
by Feil

GIMP, from a source image R, C, TM, owned, belonging to, chained up in the basement of, enslaved to, gene-coded to such that it will explode if anyone but a Judge touches the handle, and soul-bound to for all eternity until the ending of days, Games WorkShop and/or its minions.

Any comments or suggestions for how to make it better? I'm not quite satisfied yet, but I'm not particularly skilled at GIMPing.

Re: Feil made a desktop image

Posted: 2008-10-21 02:37am
by Bounty
The logo and colours are just right, but I'm not sold on the font. It looks a bit skinny - do you have something that's a bit more solid?

Re: Feil made a desktop image

Posted: 2008-10-21 02:42am
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Caslon Antique. You want Caslon Antique.

Re: Feil made a desktop image

Posted: 2008-10-21 03:22am
by Havok
Spelled Armor wrong. :wink:

Re: Feil made a desktop image

Posted: 2008-10-21 03:25am
by Bounty
havokeff wrote:Spelled Armor wrong. :wink:
I see you misspelled "armour" there, champ.

Re: Feil made a desktop image

Posted: 2008-10-21 03:28am
by Havok
Bounty wrote:
havokeff wrote:Spelled Armor wrong. :wink:
I see you misspelled "armour" there, champ.
You misspelled it too man. But we can do this all night :D

Desktop looks good Feil, but I agree that you need a more robust font... and spell checker.

Re: Feil made a desktop image

Posted: 2008-10-21 09:03am
by Crayz9000
Armor is actually an accepted form of spelling in America... just check Webster's. That said, armour looks cooler.

(In fact, right now my spellchecker is telling me that armour is wrong...)

Re: Feil made a desktop image

Posted: 2008-10-21 09:15am
by Vanas
That's because Websters is wrong, deviant and... American.

40k is wrong and English.

I quite like the font there myself, it's a classy wallpaper.

Re: Feil made a desktop image

Posted: 2008-10-21 03:31pm
by born in shadow
Very clean and sharp, though I'll echo the comments about a beefier font. I mean, everything else in the Imperium is beefcake, why not its fonts?

-Aaron, thinking about making a sandwich

Re: Feil made a desktop image

Posted: 2008-10-21 03:41pm
by RedImperator
born in shadow wrote:Very clean and sharp, though I'll echo the comments about a beefier font. I mean, everything else in the Imperium is beefcake, why not its fonts?

-Aaron, thinking about making a sandwich
This needs to stop.

Re: Feil made a desktop image

Posted: 2008-10-21 07:58pm
by Duckie
May I suggest the font Kochfraktur instead of the Roman Capitals you have? It's very Gothic Bible-esque. Example, Latinised because I'm cool like that, but missing texturing or centering:


Kochfraktur and other Fraktur fonts
If you use one, make sure to read the directions to actually know what keys to hit to produce the extra ligatures/variant lettertypes. Oh, and probably know when to use which.

Re: Feil made a desktop image

Posted: 2008-10-22 12:19pm
by salm
Yeah, Fraktur is a lot better.
I also suggest to make the font as wide as the wing tips of the bird.

Re: Feil made a desktop image

Posted: 2008-10-22 12:21pm
by salm
And kick out the bevel of the font. The bird is flat so thereĀ“s no need for the font to be beveled.

Re: Feil made a desktop image

Posted: 2008-10-23 09:57am
by Karza
The font didn't really do it for me either. Changed it to Castellar, whaddya think?


Re: Feil made a desktop image

Posted: 2008-10-23 10:49am
by salm
Why the embossing?

Re: Feil made a desktop image

Posted: 2008-10-23 11:36am
by Karza
Two reasons. First, while the bird is sorta flat, there is some texture to it so I thought the font should have a bit as well. The second reason is that I just randomly tried stuff from what MS Paint has to offer and this one just hit a chord with me :D .