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Free, Legal, Amusing Star Trek Songs

Posted: 2005-12-04 09:55pm
by Pick
Go to "MP3 Downloads" and the "Banned on Vulcan" section.

I don't know if these have been posted before. I've had them for a while, and love them all. They're free and legal (this is the artist's own site). He's one of my favorite musicians and does some great stuff. He also got interviewed by FOX News which I found hilarious :P.

Just thought I'd share. This might have been posted before; I don't run around the other sections very much :oops:.

Posted: 2005-12-04 10:06pm
by Psycho Smiley
Ha! USS Make Shit Up is too damned accurate. :lol:

Posted: 2005-12-04 10:08pm
by Noble Ire
Psycho Smiley wrote:Ha! USS Make Shit Up is too damned accurate. :lol:
It essentially summarizes everyone of the series. SPOILERS!

Posted: 2005-12-04 10:26pm
by Brother-Captain Gaius

Posted: 2005-12-04 10:46pm
by A-Wing_Slash
These songs are incredible.

Posted: 2005-12-04 11:23pm
by General Zod
It was posted in the PST section awhile back, and yes, Voltaire kicks ass. :P

It's just too bad I was broke a few weeks ago, or I could've picked up some autographed copies of his albums on the cheap.

Posted: 2005-12-04 11:29pm
by Pick
General Zod wrote:It was posted in the PST section awhile back, and yes, Voltaire kicks ass. :P
Ah, my bad. I don't go to PST really (since I consider my middle-school Trekkie days to be days of intense shame :P.) Sorry for the repost, then. I've actually had these songs for a really long time, but it only just occured to me that someone else might care :wink:

Posted: 2005-12-04 11:30pm
by General Zod
Pick wrote:
General Zod wrote:It was posted in the PST section awhile back, and yes, Voltaire kicks ass. :P
Ah, my bad. I don't go to PST really (since I consider my middle-school Trekkie days to be days of intense shame :P.) Sorry for the repost, then. I've actually had these songs for a really long time, but it only just occured to me that someone else might care :wink:
Course, it was like, a couple months ago, so I don't think anyone'll mind too much. I just felt like pointing that bit out. ;)

Posted: 2005-12-05 02:42am
by fgalkin
Noble Ire wrote:
Psycho Smiley wrote:Ha! USS Make Shit Up is too damned accurate. :lol:
It essentially summarizes everyone of the series. SPOILERS!
indeed. :)

Have a very nice day.

Posted: 2005-12-05 02:48am
by Uraniun235
...wouldn't this thread have been perfectly suited for PST, if it hadn't already been done?

It's not like PST is just a gigantic Trek circlejerk (we alternate between circlejerk days and bash-a-thon days).

Posted: 2005-12-05 01:39pm
by brianeyci
*thumps chest* ho ho don't worry pick you can be a loser like me and post in PST even though you're a junior (third year) in university! Ahahahaahaha.

No shame in it I see no shame, if an engineer with a family and kids is interested in Star Wars as a hobby I see no shame being interested in other things, it's best not to deny what you are.

Return to the dark side mwhahaha! Uhm not that dark side, you know what I mean :twisted:.

<edit>The only time there's shame is when it interferes with more important things. Sadly that has happened to me before heh heh</edit>


Posted: 2005-12-05 04:57pm
by Bounty
Ah, my bad. I don't go to PST really (since I consider my middle-school Trekkie days to be days of intense shame)
Do not fight it. Embrace you inner Trekkie. You can deny your true allegiance, but you cannot escape it. It is unavoidable...

Join us. Join us. Join us...

Posted: 2005-12-05 07:48pm
by Pick
Uraniun235 wrote:...wouldn't this thread have been perfectly suited for PST, if it hadn't already been done?

It's not like PST is just a gigantic Trek circlejerk (we alternate between circlejerk days and bash-a-thon days).
I don't like starting threads.

Posted: 2005-12-06 11:25pm
by Metatwaddle
Psycho Smiley wrote:Ha! USS Make Shit Up is too damned accurate. :lol:
I saw the thread title and immediately thought of uploading that song for you guys to hear, only to find that you had linked to Voltaire in the first place. Funniest song EVER. The Sexy Data Tango is pretty amusing too, mostly because an android is decidedly un-sexy, but Voltaire manages to make the most outrageous innuendo about him.

Posted: 2005-12-07 12:40am
by BloodAngel
Yeah, I have Sexy Data Tango and Make Shit Up in my playlist. Didn't like Klingon Rap too much, and the other one (forgot the name) was too short for my tastes. But to whoever said Voltaire kicks ass, rock on! :P

Posted: 2005-12-07 07:04pm
by Keevan_Colton
Moving to AMP

Posted: 2005-12-07 07:12pm
by Rogue 9
Destructionator XIII wrote:

This site has 3 pretty hilarious Trek songs too, I especially enjoy the Picard and Worf songs.
I've already got the Picard Song; yanked it off of YTMND. (Yeah, there's one with the full version.) *Downloads the others.*

Posted: 2005-12-07 11:59pm
by Anarchist Bunny
Noble Ire wrote:
Psycho Smiley wrote:Ha! USS Make Shit Up is too damned accurate. :lol:
It essentially summarizes everyone of the series. SPOILERS!
I've had the Mp3 for years, and unless he's updated it he hasn't put Enterprise down a notch.