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Are you arachnophobic?

Posted: 2010-06-28 06:35pm
by Srelex
Well, are you? If you're unsure, here's a very simple test. Simply look at this picture and gauge your reaction: ... sition.jpg

Re: Are you arachnophobic?

Posted: 2010-06-28 07:26pm
by Tasoth
First thing I noticed was what looks like an egg sack behind the spider. But naw, I'm fine with spiders.

Slugs, on the other hand....

Re: Are you arachnophobic?

Posted: 2010-06-28 07:54pm
by Geodd
This is my most recent encounter with a largish spider in my bedroom:

1: Sighting of the arachnid in question
2: Quick tactical retreat to kitchen
3: Psychological doping in form of a few glasses of scotch
4: Armored assault with vacuum-cleaner
5: Chemical assault with RAID
6 Possible victory
7: Strategic retreat to living-room couch
8: Sleep

But I'm not afraid of spiders, that would be silly, irrational even. Honestly

Re: Are you arachnophobic?

Posted: 2010-06-28 08:05pm
by ShadowDragon8685
Yes, very. Not only am I arachnophobic, I am highly bugophobic in general. If in it's default state (IE, not taking into account individuals with amputations) it has more than four legs or less than two, it freaks me out.

Re: Are you arachnophobic?

Posted: 2010-06-28 08:06pm
by LadyTevar
You're right, Tasoth, there *IS* an egg sack there. I did have to go have a second look to be sure.

Still, it's a Wolf Spider. As long as you don't bother it, it won't bother you. If it was inside, I'd use a broom to shoo it outside where it could go back to hunting.

Re: Are you arachnophobic?

Posted: 2010-06-28 08:46pm
by fgalkin
That's a cool-looking spider, I'd keep one as a pet, but it'd probably eat me in my sleep or something.

Have a very nice day.

Re: Are you arachnophobic?

Posted: 2010-06-28 08:52pm
by hongi
I love spiders, but ants freak me out.

Re: Are you arachnophobic?

Posted: 2010-06-28 09:03pm
by phred
I'm okay with spiders, for the most part. They stay on the ceiling, I stay on the floor, everything's kewl.

Honestly, it depends on the spider, and where I run across it.

Re: Are you arachnophobic?

Posted: 2010-06-28 09:10pm
by Aaron
Spiders freak me right out (dunno why) but I usually just step on them or relocate them outside. I don't go to the extremes of vacuum/broom warfare or hairspray flamethrowers.

Re: Are you arachnophobic?

Posted: 2010-06-28 09:15pm
by Surlethe
Well, I'd like to be, but if my wife is on a chair or the wood needs splitting or the garden needs weeding, there's not much I can do but suck it up and deal.

Re: Are you arachnophobic?

Posted: 2010-06-28 09:15pm
by Werrf
I'm not, my wife is, and I'm probably sleeping on the settee tonight because of that picture in the first link :D

Mind you, I did just get through moving one for her by hand, which should at least buy me a blanket for the night.

Re: Are you arachnophobic?

Posted: 2010-06-28 09:16pm
by Temujin
I have to say that I am very mildly arachnophobia. It was bad when I was a young child, but exposure via books and nature programs lessened my fear.

Still, if it's any bigger than a quarter, I'll have a slight hesitation before acting. Luckily they tend to more rather slowly though.

While not arachnids, centipedes are the things that really freak me out, partially due to their size and speed.

Re: Are you arachnophobic?

Posted: 2010-06-28 09:20pm
by montypython
I don't mind spiders really, except when dealing with all the annoying cobwebs they leave behind.

Re: Are you arachnophobic?

Posted: 2010-06-28 09:39pm
by Temujin
I always hated trying get to these big boys when their in their tangled webs.

You go to hit them and the whole web moves and spider with it. So I used to resort to hairspray. :twisted:

Re: Are you arachnophobic?

Posted: 2010-06-28 09:44pm
by RazorOutlaw
I've never been diagnosed, so, no I wouldn't say that I do. I had my moments when the sight of a spider would scare me, cause me to jump back and make a lot of noise. A combination of being a Boy Scout (and living with the possibility that they could crawl in my sleeping bag whether I liked it or not), seeing them in my home, and learning more about them allowed me to deal with it.

To do this day I still get uncomfortable if I see them in my room but for the most part I don't feel a need to stop what I'm doing. They leave me alone AND they take care of all of the other insects in this place.

Re: Are you arachnophobic?

Posted: 2010-06-28 09:54pm
by Alyrium Denryle
I generally think that everything people are phobic over are adorable. Snakes, spiders, scorpions etc.

Re: Are you arachnophobic?

Posted: 2010-06-28 11:33pm
by CaptainChewbacca
LadyTevar wrote:Still, it's a Wolf Spider. As long as you don't bother it, it won't bother you. If it was inside, I'd use a broom to shoo it outside where it could go back to hunting.
One of those bit me once on a camping trip. Didn't see it til it dropped out of my pant leg. Stung like a sumbitch.

Re: Are you arachnophobic?

Posted: 2010-06-28 11:36pm
by Commander 598
I have a spider bite on on my leg about two months ago, I don't recall actually _getting_ it.

I do not like spiders...

Re: Are you arachnophobic?

Posted: 2010-06-28 11:39pm
by Stofsk
Alyrium Denryle wrote:I generally think that everything people are phobic over are adorable. Snakes, spiders, scorpions etc.
This is because you are strange.
Commander 598 wrote:I have a spider bite on on my leg about two months ago, I don't recall actually _getting_ it.

I do not like spiders...
It probably got you while you were asleep.

Re: Are you arachnophobic?

Posted: 2010-06-29 12:31am
by Lief
Spiders are cool, I like spiders.

Wasps are cool, but I was stung by an entire nest when I was 3, I hate wasps.

Re: Are you arachnophobic?

Posted: 2010-06-29 12:40am
by Guardsman Bass
I don't really like having spiders crawling around near me, and particularly on the floor (if I see one in either such position, I'll usually kill it). On the other hand, if I see a non-dangerous variety up in a corner by the ceiling, I'll leave it alone as long as it doesn't have an egg-sack or anything like that (particularly since the normal house spiders usually keep the possible hobo spiders out of the house, or so I've heard).

I wasn't weirded out by the picture - I actually think spiders are kind of cool to look at . .. provided they are on the other side of a piece of glass and can't touch me.

Re: Are you arachnophobic?

Posted: 2010-06-29 01:59am
by eion
Spiders eat bugs
Spiders don't eat me
Spiders are awesome!

Re: Are you arachnophobic?

Posted: 2010-06-29 05:07am
by Spoonist
Nope. Always liked them because they take care of flies and other nasty shit.

However visiting downunder had me worried on several ocations, me not knowing the difference of the local ones.

Re: Are you arachnophobic?

Posted: 2010-06-29 05:38am
by hongi
Spoonist wrote:Nope. Always liked them because they take care of flies and other nasty shit.

However visiting downunder had me worried on several ocations, me not knowing the difference of the local ones.
Easy: keep away from the ones that have a red stripe on their back (who have a habit of taking up home under the toilet seat). There are others, like the funnel-webs, but I've never seen them before and I've been living here for 10 years. Honestly in most parts of the country, you should be more concerned about the snakes.

Re: Are you arachnophobic?

Posted: 2010-06-29 05:44am
by Vendetta
Wolf Spiders are cool, one of the few spiders that actually have any maternal instinct, even carrying their young around.

Though if I found one here I'd be tempted to call in the RSPCA or someone to move it, because it would be a wee bit out of place and probably better off being looked after.

We only have weaksauce spiders in this country, the biggest will maybe be 1.5", and anyone who is scared of them really needs to find something bigger and nastier to be scared of. (I have several that trundle around my flat, there used to be one, but I came back one day and the bathroom ceiling was covered in tiny baby spiders.)