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Posted: 2002-10-23 04:30pm
by Kuja
Posted: 2002-10-23 04:35pm
by MKSheppard
Posted: 2002-10-23 04:35pm
by Kuja
I was considering shoving a grenade up inside it.....
Posted: 2002-10-23 04:36pm
by haas mark
Posted: 2002-10-23 04:43pm
by aerius
I remember some cases where pop bottle would get stuck, and the dumbass kids would try to get them out by tipping the vending machine. It resulted in a Darwin award when the machine fell on the kid and crushed him to death.
Posted: 2002-10-23 04:45pm
by haas mark
So THAT'S why it says that on the vending machines....

Posted: 2002-10-23 04:46pm
by Kelly Antilles
What's a "pop bottle"?

Posted: 2002-10-23 04:49pm
by aerius
A bottle with pop inside it of course

Posted: 2002-10-23 04:51pm
by haas mark
Yes, but WTF is pop???

Posted: 2002-10-23 04:52pm
by Kuja
Posted: 2002-10-23 04:53pm
by Kelly Antilles
*hugs IG* It'll be ok, I promise. I'll get another chapter written tomorrow and everyone will be happy.
Posted: 2002-10-23 04:54pm
by Kuja
Now I'm totally confused.
Posted: 2002-10-23 04:56pm
by Sea Skimmer
aerius wrote:I remember some cases where pop bottle would get stuck, and the dumbass kids would try to get them out by tipping the vending machine. It resulted in a Darwin award when the machine fell on the kid and crushed him to death.
That’s why you stand to the side, or simply smash the glass some of them have, though that’s mostly snake machines.
Posted: 2002-10-23 05:09pm
by aerius
verilon wrote:Yes, but WTF is pop???

Pop (n) - A drink consisting primarily of carbonated water and various sugars, with the addition of various natural and artificial flavours. Examples include Coke, Pepsi, Ginger Ale, Sprite, Orange Crush, Mountain Dew amoung others.
See also Soda, Coke, Drink, Cola
Posted: 2002-10-23 05:18pm
by Beowulf
I can't believe you don't know what pop is! Honestly, where have you been living the past 17 years? Iran?
Posted: 2002-10-23 05:20pm
by Kuja
under a rock, more likely...
Posted: 2002-10-23 05:28pm
by Mr Bean
Acutal in Iran its called Pop as Mohammed did, you call it that or they cut off your right index finger

Posted: 2002-10-23 05:29pm
by Kuja
Mr Bean wrote:Acutal in Iran its called Pop as Mohammed did, you call it that or they cut off your right index finger

Heh, then you're ALLOWED to point with your middle finger.

Posted: 2002-10-23 05:36pm
by Ted
IG-88E wrote:under a rock, more likely...
Pretty close to what North Carolina is.
Posted: 2002-10-23 05:38pm
by Mr Bean
Pretty close to what North Carolina is.
North Carolina? Naaa thats far from under the rock status like NORTH Dakota or Gerogia where the fact we won WWI still has not reached everyone,
Besides I present the evidance of Kelly happening to hail from NC and my own stay there between 92-99(Oh and don't forgot Virgia was devolped in NC! Err at least I think it was)
Posted: 2002-10-23 05:40pm
by Ted
Mr Bean wrote:Pretty close to what North Carolina is.
North Carolina? Naaa thats far from under the rock status like NORTH Dakota or Gerogia where the fact we won WWI still has not reached everyone,
Besides I present the evidance of Kelly happening to hail from NC and my own stay there between 92-99(Oh and don't forgot Virgia was devolped in NC! Err at least I think it was)
Wasn't it initially invented by British scientists?
Posted: 2002-10-23 05:45pm
by Mr Bean
Wasn't it initially invented by British scientists?
Umm *Thinks fast
British scientists who once visted Seanic North Carolina and got very drunk at one of our numorius bars!
See? North Carolina inveted it
Posted: 2002-10-23 05:45pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
Since when were we talking about viagra? Anyway, in some places in Engalnd, pop is called "tonic".
Posted: 2002-10-23 05:51pm
by Raptor 597
Ted wrote:Mr Bean wrote:Pretty close to what North Carolina is.
North Carolina? Naaa thats far from under the rock status like NORTH Dakota or Gerogia where the fact we won WWI still has not reached everyone,
Besides I present the evidance of Kelly happening to hail from NC and my own stay there between 92-99(Oh and don't forgot Virgia was devolped in NC! Err at least I think it was)
Wasn't it initially invented by British scientists?
Maybe the British Scientists of Phzer went too North Caroline too experiment on Rednecks.
Posted: 2002-10-23 06:43pm
by haas mark
Beowulf wrote:I can't believe you don't know what pop is! Honestly, where have you been living the past 17 years? Iran?
Ui...some people just can't take a joke....*shakes head*
And yes, at one point I did basically live under a rock, Iggy. It's called good ol' Mom's house in Roswell, NM...