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Don't try this at home kids...

Posted: 2005-01-29 03:40pm
by Next of Kin
Natural selection at work...


Posted: 2005-01-29 03:43pm
by Jon
Jesus... :shock:

Posted: 2005-01-29 04:01pm
by wautd
wtf? :?

Posted: 2005-01-29 04:08pm
by Alyeska
From what I can tell they were trying to knock the cyclist down by opening a door on him. Problem is the dumbfuck holding the door gets his hand caught and is torn out of the car and falls right into the path of an oncomming car.

Serves the fuck right.

Posted: 2005-01-29 04:50pm
by Captain Cyran
Looks like... if he lived... broken jaw, possibly neck as well. Both cars were moving it looks like, and he got clipped right on the chin.

EDIT: My bad, right in the face. jaw, neck, nose and cheekbones were probably broken

Posted: 2005-01-29 05:32pm
by Seggybop
Totally deserved that. I saw a cyclist get eviscerated by some scumbag doing that. Don't know if he lived, doubt it though.

Posted: 2005-01-29 05:40pm
by YT300000
Hahahaha! :lol:

What a fucking idiot cuntwhore. Pity he couldn't have landed on a manhole or something to damage himself some more. :lol:

Posted: 2005-01-29 05:51pm
by 2000AD
Laughng at other people's pain is soooooooooo funny!

Posted: 2005-01-29 06:44pm
by YT300000
2000AD wrote:Laughng at other people's pain is soooooooooo funny!
He totally deserved it for trying to hit the biker.

Posted: 2005-01-29 06:58pm
by Sea Skimmer
2000AD wrote:Laughng at other people's pain is soooooooooo funny!
Well last time I checked, laughter is funny. I'm sure we can get some nice representative to write 150 million into the next US budget to check up on the validity of that conclusion though

Posted: 2005-01-29 07:20pm
by Wicked Pilot
Buckle up for safety.

Posted: 2005-01-29 09:32pm
by aerius
Damn that was funny! :lol:
Hopefully the worthless jackass died, cause I'd really love to see this incident written up in the Darwin Awards.

Posted: 2005-01-29 09:39pm
by Damaramu
Yeah, that SOB so totally deserved that. Cocksucking punk. :lol:

Posted: 2005-01-29 09:41pm
by RedImperator
2000AD wrote:Laughng at other people's pain is soooooooooo funny!
Normally I'd be with you on this, but it looks to me like he was trying to hit that kid with the door. He was doing something that could have killed, crippled, or left brain-damaged a kid on a bike for shits and giggles (not to mention, the kid could have fallen in front of the same car). He got exactly what he deserved, and at any rate, people laughing at him is the least of his problems now.

Now on the other hand, if he was just being stupid, then no, he didn't deserve what happened to him. There's a good chance he was killed or permanantly disabled by that hit, and that's not an approppriate penalty just for being dumb.

Posted: 2005-01-29 10:05pm
by salm
cool. rag doll physics.

Posted: 2005-01-29 10:10pm
by Kuja
I feel zero sympathy for this dope, but I can't help but wonder if his friends weren't egging him on.

Posted: 2005-01-29 10:13pm
by Shark Bait
wow just wow every time I think my room mates have done every stupid thing possible (including the suggestion "hey lets rush those 9 cops we can take em") I see something like this, fucking incredible.

Posted: 2005-01-29 11:37pm
by J
One of these days it'll sink into my head that when many members, including my BF find something funny, it's funny in a perverted or disturbing way, usually both. I don't feel any sympathy for the dumb schmuck, but it's a little too disturbing for me to find funny.

Posted: 2005-01-29 11:45pm
by Master of Ossus
Geez! I'm not very sympathetic to the guy, but that's gotta hurt.

I wonder if he survived the incident.

And, incidentally, this is why moronic kids should have parents that prevent them from getting licenses to drive cars.

Edit: Incidentally, I think that the other car was parked at the time. They were driving on the wrong side of the road in an effort to hit the kid, and when he fell out he hit the parked car. It would still do some damage, but not quite as bad as if the other vehicle were moving, too.

Posted: 2005-01-30 12:10am
by Wicked Pilot
Master of Ossus wrote:Edit: Incidentally, I think that the other car was parked at the time..
That's the way it looks to me. There appears to be no one at the wheel, and there are no brake lights following the collision.

Posted: 2005-01-30 12:17am
by Captain Cyran
Wicked Pilot wrote:
Master of Ossus wrote:Edit: Incidentally, I think that the other car was parked at the time..
That's the way it looks to me. There appears to be no one at the wheel, and there are no brake lights following the collision.
Taking a closer look. It seems that when he looks back the car they hit is still infront of the same house. So I think you're right.

Posted: 2005-01-30 12:59am
by Alyrium Denryle

You know, I am probably a bad person for being a sadistic bastard, but he deserved that.

Posted: 2005-01-30 04:36am
by Marksist
The fact these ass holes were going to film this too pisses me off. That they brought a camera so they could go and seriously fuck up someone and then I assume post it on the internet for "laughs" is disgusting. That jizz bag deserves it.

Posted: 2005-01-30 05:20am
by Gandalf

He went to do something bad and got hit with karma. :P

Posted: 2005-01-30 05:50am
by BoredShirtless
The car hit him face first at what....over 30km/h? He's dead. It looked like his neck broke too.